Tuesday 21 May 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (the book porn one)

Top Ten Favorite Book Covers Of Books I've Read

We all know that I can't resist a bit of book porn so when I saw the theme for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and Bookish) was favourite book covers I was hardly going to say no, was I?! I definitely judge books by their covers and I don't actually see how you could not. An interesting cover is the first thing that grabs me, then the title, then the author.What can I say, I'm a tad shallow when it comes to books. 

1. The Light Between Oceans by M.L Stedman

2. The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L. Sayers (random one but I do love it for its strangeness)

3. To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

4. Howards End is on the Landing by Susan Hill

5. Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers (an extravaggance but utterly amazing)

6. The Lighthouse by Alison Moore (are you sensing a theme here?)

7. Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid by Virginia Woolf

8. The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham (can't go wrong with a classic Penguin)

9. The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan

10. The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood

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  1. I always loved the simplicity of that To the Lighthouse cover. See, I have a thing for lighthouses too, and not only on book covers :) And I also like several Penguin series' covers, like those of classics (including clothbound ofc), they are very simple and stylish.

    I couldn't make that TOP10 because I don't really connect books with covers in my mind at all. There are pretty covers, and then there are good books. If they go together it's awesome of course :) Historically I am used to "ugly" covers because in Soviet countries, prettiness of the cover was not something to pay a lot of attention to, mostly. And it was perfectly okay.

    I do have some things that I don't like on my book covers, like realistic photo covers of people. Or too much messy bling. Simple elegant is the way to go.

    After I read Howard's End I want to read Howard's End in the Landing and I def wouldn't mind to have a copy with that cover that is in your post.
    So I didn't make a topic myself but I talked in your topic instead :D

    1. You are always welcome to talk in my topics :) I'm always interested to hear your thoughts.

      Lighthouses are amazing! I'm so pleased I'm not the only one that thinks so. I can't even explain why I love them so much though. I guess I'm just odd like that. I like it because it isn't cluttered with text. I obviously wouldn't usually complain about text on book covers but here I think it would ruin the whole effect. Penguin do make the best covers.

      That's really interesting about Soviet covers. I never realised they would be that distinguishable. I don't know why I'm so drawn to the aesthetics of books. All I really care about is the content but there is something about the cover that brings a book to my attention.

      I'm with you on that: realistic photos and messy bling is a no-no for me. I would not choose a book with a cover like that. I totally agree, simple and elegant.

      Howards End is on the Landing really is a wonderful book (and very pretty). My wish list grew significantly from reading that book so beware!

  2. Oooh, so pretty! I especially love #4. So decadent and beautiful.

    Happy TTT!

    1. It's a book about books with books on the cover! That's a bit of a winner all round :)

  3. Great choices. I love the cover for the Light Between Oceans. I bought it this week and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

    1. It is a gorgeous cover and a great read.

  4. You picked some gorgeous, gorgeous covers!

  5. Ooooh, pretty. I would have totally just picked Penguin Clothbound Covers, so... It's probably a good job I didn't do this list.

    I am particularly taken by the Howard's End is on the Landing cover though! Purty :)

    1. If I had Penguin Clothbounds the list would be full of them but, alas, I am yet to own any. Much to my distress.

      It is a particularly lush cover :)

  6. There is a definite ocean/lighthouse theme going on here!

    1. I know! My enthusiasms are so easily recognised :)

  7. i love all of these. a lot of them are unfamiliar to me so thanks for pointing them out.

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite book reviews

    1. You're welcome! I do love pretty books :)

  8. These are beautiful! I wanted to join in this topic in a way but I couldn't choose just ten. Lovely to look at these choices.

    1. I really struggled to whittle it down to ten. It took a long time stood in front of my shelves, weighing up the pros and cons of each design. I do think these are the best I own though.


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