Saturday 18 May 2013

Bout of Books: Friday

I'm a bit late updating my progress for yesterday but the sun is out so I've made the most of it by going to the beach. I ate chips, walked along the cobb (yes, I went to Lyme and geeked out over Austen/Fowles), and had a mint choc chip ice cream. YUM.

So yesterday I finally finished a book! AT LAST. I loved The Marlowe Papers, it has been such an entertaining, informative and engaging read. I wasn't convinced about the whole 'novel in verse' concept but I am completely won over by it now. If you love Shakespeare, you will love this.

In other news, I went to see The Great Gastby. It was completely beautiful and dazzling and breathtaking. I adore every film Baz Luhrmann has ever made and this one I think goes to the top of the pile. I saw it in 3D which I usually hate but it works so well in Gatsby. It gives the film layers. Plus the soundtrack is mindblowing. Jay-Z, Beyonce, Florence, The XX, Lana...I could go on.

Friday's progress:

I've been reading: The Marlowe Papers
Pages read: 100 ish
Number of book related tweets: 20ish
Song of the day: Over the Love by Florence and the Machine (Gatsby soundtrack)
Number of books finished: 1

I did have a bit of a rubbish morning and was in the foulest mood so obviously I treated myself to some books on my lunchbreak. Bibliotherapy, you know.



  1. I chickened out of Marlowe Papers - I got it from the library but how big it was and how it was all verse scared me!

    1. It was definitely an intimidating read but totally worth it. I've got quite the sense of achievement right now!

  2. We should totally have some Fowles-conversation some day!

    Congratulations!!!! *confetti, cupcakes, cereal, all you can throw in the air* I'm not sure I am going to read The Marlowe Papers - the verse thing is still intimidating... like I imagine it forces me to focus SO MUCH more than any non-verse text. But one should challenge one-self so who knows where the winds may turn...

    I think you should also have a movie count for this week :))

    (Pst I know about bibliotherapy, last time when I had the moodz I deliberately walked to book shop and bought 2 books.)

    1. We totally should! I need to re-read the FLW because I definitely feel like I missed a lot of the intricacies.

      Yay, thank you! I feel pretty good right now :) I think that's why it has taken a while to finish, you do have to really focus on the verse. Plus there were many many characters and I kept having to refer to the 'dramatis personae' helpfully provided at the beginning.

      I should put a movie count...I've had more of a film-a-thon than a read-a-thon.

      Bibliotherapy is the way forward. It's the only thing that makes me feel better.

  3. Wow, congrats on finishing Marlowe Papers! I've stared at that book many times, but it's so daunting :). Glad to hear you liked The Great Gatsby too. I still haven't decided whether or not to see it. Happy reading!

    1. Thank you :) Daunting is right! But it is worth it I think. I do love Shakespeare though so I think that kind of helps. I would recommend seeing it...Happy reading!

  4. Congrats on finishing your book! I felt the same way about The Great Gatsby. I'm a huge Luhrmann fan and loved it more than any of his others. There were so many moments that gave me bookish goosebumps, it was fantastic.

    1. Thanks! The 'boats against the current' bit gave me serious shivers. Such an amazing film and definitely goosebump inducing.

  5. You didn't fall off anything though, right? Because there has to be a man in a top hat waiting to sweep you up and carry you away if you're going to do these things properly... *nods wisely*

    I'm so very looking forward to The Great Gatsby, even though it's still on Mount TBR despite me having owned it for YEARS and OBVIOUSLY I need to read it before I see it. I was a little dubious about the modern soundtrack but I do love Baz Luhrmann and I LOVE Florence, I think she's beautiful, not that this has anything to do with anything but maaaaaan. Yeah, much excitement.

    Aaah, Sunday afternoons. Always my most coherent time of the week. :)

    1. I went with my boyfriend and I was tempted to swoon and almost tumble down the cobb steps but then I thought he'd probably just let me fall. Plus there was no top hat so it wouldn't have been the same anyway.

      I've studied it twice so I've read it like a million times (slight exaggeration) and I have such a love/hate thing going on. At the moment I love it and I can't wait to re-read it next month for my book club. The modern soundtrack works so well but then I always love a good mish mash. I have infinite love for Florence. Go see it! Well, read it but then go see it!

      Who is ever coherent on a Sunday afternoon? I was lying in bed unable to move because of that dratted hangover. Good effort. :)


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