Tuesday 1 July 2014

25 before 25

1.  Read War and Peace
2. Learn a new language
3. Run a half marathon in 1hr 50
4. Get a job I enjoy

5. Go to the top of the Shard (without panicking)

6. Read something out of my comfort zone

7. Learn a new skill

8. Visit a new country

9. Go to five new cities/towns in the UK

10. Get a new tattoo

11. Do a tough mudder/mud run

12. Listen to a new genre of music

13. Walk over the Millennium Dome (again, without panicking)

14. Try a new sport

15. Plan a WW1 battlefield tour

16. Watch a Quentin Tarantino film

17. Watch The Lion King on stage

18. Go on a bookish trip

19. Climb a mountain

20. Go on a solo trip

21. Make a new friend

22. Complete a creative writing project

23. Re-learn the cello

24. Re-read all my childhood favourites

25. Finish reading the complete works of Wilkie Collins

Today is my 24th birthday. In the run up to the big two-four I've been thinking a lot about what I've achieved so far (a fair bit) and what there is left that I want to achieve (oh so much). As a lover of lists, goals and deadlines I've decided to create a list of 25 things I want to do before I turn 25 on 1st July 2015. As it is only a year I've tried to set myself reasonable goals but, inevitably, I got a bit carried away. Let's see how I do - I'm hoping that it being on the interwebz will help with the ol' motivation.



  1. Ellie, it's your birthday! WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS?! Happy birthday my fellow awesomely-named individual, and may I just say that this is a bloody brilliant list of stuff. If you decide to come up north for one of your 'new towns/cities' visits we could totally tick off two of these in one go and get a bunch of us together to go book shopping. I'M JUST SAYING. :)

    I sort of... failed... my top ten things I wanted to do before my birthday, but I'm still glad I made the list because it pushed me to do a couple of new things, at least. I hit up my local gourmet ice cream parlour last summer, and finally read To Kill a Mockingbird, for example, both small but utterly awesome things that I'd been meaning to do for ages. Good luck with yours, keep us updated as you tick them off! :)

    1. I hardly knew it was my birthday it came around so quick! Thank you kindly fellow awesome Ellie :) That would be amazing - what could be better than book shopping with folk who are just as bookish as me?!

      I may have aimed a bit high but, you know, screw it. I'm really excited to start ticking things off (maybe starting with the smaller ones), so I will keep you updated :D

    2. All we need is to get Ellie Warren up as well, and we could be in a bookshop and someone would shout "Ellie, have you read this?" and ALL OF US WOULD POP OUT FROM BEHIND DIFFERENT SHELVES AND ANSWER. Just like the Ellie Army we know ourselves to be. Then after a while we'd settle into a thing and someone would call "Ellie Bookworm!" or "Ellie Lit Nerd!" or "Blonde Ellie!" instead and all the staff would think we were insane. JUST LIKE THE ELLIE ARMY WE KNOW OURSELVES TO BE. *drifts off into happy books-and-friends daydream* :P

    3. That made me laugh out loud! I can seriously imagine all these Ellie heads just popping out from behind the shelves :D This Ellie army thing must happen.

  2. First, happy birthday! Second, WOW that's a lot for a year! I wish you luck. My brother did a Tough Mudder and based on his experience, I do not think that will ever make a to-do list of mine, lol

    1. Thank you! I think a Tough Mudder will kill me but I've got to try it, they look so much fun (in a horribly painful way).

  3. Happy Birthday! Good luck with these goals!

  4. Happy Birthday & GREAT list! Good luck with all 25 achievements....

    1. Thank you! I'll keep you all updated.

  5. Happy Birthday Ellie! And what a great idea, I wish you all the best with this lovely list of things, you can do it! x

    1. Thank you, Lindsay! I feel pretty motivated to complete it right now :)

  6. Happy belated birthday, Ellie! I enjoyed going through your list. You used to play cello? That's so cool, I love that instrument.

    1. Thank you! Yes I did, but kind of let it drift when I went to uni so I'd love to get back into it :)

  7. Argh - I can't believe I missed your birthday!! Happy belated birthday! I'm 100% with other Ellie on a bookish outing if you venture even vaguely Up North because it is high time that we all went shopping/eating/wine drinking together! Plus, if we find somewhere you haven't been, that'll be two struck off!

    I love the list generally - I'm in awe of your aim to run a half marathon in 1 hr 50 because I think I'm looking at 2 hrs to 2 hrs 10 in the Great North Run in September and can't imagine shaving off a minute a mile; I keep wanting to try a new sport but I run because I'm hopelessly badly co-ordinated and I'm worried I'll make a fool of myself so you are inspiring me already; yey for re-kindling musical abilities.


    1. Thank you! This bookish outing is sounding more and more exciting. I like nothing more than shopping/eating/wine drinking with bookish friends :)

      I did my first half in 2hrs 9mins and never thought I would ever get it down. I was aiming for 2hrs in my fastest one and managed 1.54. It's amazing what you can achieve, even when you have really short legs! Good luck for your run, I'll be cheering from the internet sidelines :D

  8. Happy belated birthday. I like your list, and I can recommend a tough mudder (so much fun) and a solo trip (a little odd a times, but empowering). Good luck achieving all the awesome goals you've set yourself.

    1. Thank you! Both are actually at the top of my list. I've been on day trips alone before but I'd love to see if I can do an overnight one.

  9. Wonderful list of goals! If you do half of those that will be amazing!

    1. Thanks, I really hope I can do some (if not all) of them. It's quite exciting really!


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