
My name is Ellie, I'm 25 and I live in London.

I'm a reader, a writer, a runner, and an introvert. I smile with my whole face and I'm always unashamedly enthusiastic.

By day I work on a charity helpline and by night I devour books and drink copious amounts of peppermint tea.

I read whatever takes my fancy, whether that's fiction, non-fiction or poetry.

My favourite genres are probably literary fiction, historical fiction (Victorian, Edwardian, WW1, twenties), crime and thrillers.

I love discovering forgotten classics and will spend hours trawling through second hand bookshops on the lookout for exciting finds.

My current obsession is the work of Georges Simenon - he has been cropping up in my life for some time now and I can ignore him no longer.

My favourite non-fiction topics include the First World War, the suffrage movement, Virginia Woolf, and books (whether memoirs or history).

My favourite authors are Virginia Woolf and Wilkie Collins.

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, and The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West are my favourite novels. Closely followed by The Great Gastby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

I read a Russian classic every summer (this year's pick has yet to be decided).

Any questions? 
Email me ellie.litnerd@aol.co.uk
Find me on Twitter @ellielitnerd
Find me on Instagram @ellielitnerd


  1. Hi Ellie
    I'm a book nerd and just popped over to say hi from Australia. Happy Reading!

    1. Hi! Thanks for visiting. Happy reading to you too :D

  2. Yay, another Star Wars nerd! I've yet to meet one via book blogs, so this makes me happy. I'm jealous of your lightsaber -- my sister and I begged our parents yearly for two but they have still yet to make us happy.
    Your life sounds lovely :)

  3. Hi Ellie, it's me, Mel from The Book Musings. I am now following you on Bloglovin'

  4. Hi Ellie! I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for fantastic book swap package! Both of the books you sent are ones I'm excited to read and The Life of Pi is a perfect choice since I'm still figuring out which books to read for my book to movie challenge. I love the pens and post-its as well! They're so cute and so useful! I'm also excited to have found your blog and am looking forward to reading more of your reviews :)

  5. I stumbled upon this site while googling reviews of Jessie Burton's the Miniaturist (which I have just finished and loved), and am delighted I did. I'm a voracious reader but am a little out of the loop for the simple reason that I live in Luxembourg, where not many people share my love of books. Keep up the great work!


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