Thursday 31 July 2014

July in Books

July, July, July. You came, you went, you left a very melancholy impression. 

I'm not often that relieved to see the end of a month roll around, but in this instance I am. July has been a mixed month, with some seriously happy days and some seriously not so happy. You win some, you lose some I suppose. I did a fair amount of what I would really consider to be comfort reading this month. Reverting back to my old favourites from the Golden Age of detective fiction was an absolute joy, and I (shock/horror) read two YA books (although I'm not sure the Connolly is technically YA - feel free to enlighten me). I talked about comfort reading a while ago and I think I may actually talk about it again in the near future because reading really is the best thing to turn to when in need of a little comfort.

July Reads...

42. The Double by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

43. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
44. Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L Sayers
45. We Were Liars by E Lockhart
46. I Murdered My Library by Linda Grant (kindle single)
47. The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly

Book of the Month: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (more Christie, please!)

I did sneak in a cheeky Russian read this month for O's Russian Literature event. It's only taken me the better part of six months to get around to going Russian. The Double was a really interesting, dark and chilling read and it has definitely piqued my interest in Dostoyevsky. On a side note, has anyone out there seen the Wallace and Gromit episode where Gromit is reading a book by Dogstoyevsky? That scene has stuck with me ever since I first saw it (we're talking a long time), and I still think of it every time I see Dostoyevsky written down. I'm silently chuckling to myself this very moment.

July has been a very quiet month around here (apart from the Moranalong). My enthusiasm has been waning a little with my energy, but I'm hoping it's on its way back for August. I actually think I'm lying when I say my enthusiasm is waning. It's more that my thoughts are in such a muddle I can't seem to write anything remotely coherent, let alone interesting. A week in Italy is just what the doctor ordered.

At the moment I'm finishing off How To Build a Girl and I'm also reading Lady Audley's Secret which is making me crave some more Wilkie. 

How has your July been? What was your book of the month?

Early morning run on my birthday. Lovely.



  1. This has been a weird reading month. I hope your next month is more up and less down! A more positive mix, if you will.

  2. The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly is in my 'read soon' pile.

  3. I hope August is looking up for you :)

  4. Oh, I hope that this month will be better for you. I had quite good reading month in July thanks to three weeks off work. The best read was The Fall of Hyperion, a sci-fi classic by Dan Simmons.


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