Friday 17 May 2013

Bout of Books: Thursday (the poor effort edition)

Thursday was a shocking day for reading. I have officially tired myself out so I couldn't get up early enough to read before work. I couldn't read at lunch time because my sister is home for a couple of days and came to meet me (I love you, Liv, but lunch time is reading time). I was hoping to get an hour in after work but I decided to run instead (something to do with the ridiculous amount of food I ate yesterday). Plus the weather was amazing and perfect for a energetic run (although it did nearly kill me). Then to top it all off I went out for a meal with all the old front of house team from the theatre. I was a front of house duty manager before I was unceremoniously made redundant and we were a really close little team so it was brilliant to see everyone again. There was pizza and chocolate fudge cake (which obviously negated the run) so I just couldn't say no. I read briefly before bed though I was interrupted by each member of my family running in to say what they thought of Star Trek (they saw it whilst I was out). There was much squealing and me shouting 'I know, right?!'.

Thursday's shocking progress:

Books I read from: The Marlowe Papers

Number of pages read: 70 (only 100 left!)
Number of book related tweets: 3 (that's progress)
Song of the day: Let Her Go by Passenger



  1. Everyone's allowed one shocking-progress day and today is going to be mine. I could read this evening but I fully intend to watch Les Mis & eat ice-cream - it's been that kind of week!

    Happy reading for the weekend :)

    1. Les Mis and ice-cream sounds wonderful! And technically it is still bookish :)

  2. Ahh, it's okay to have a rough reading day! Devoting every bit of free time you have to reading for a whole entire week can be exhausting - and sometimes we just need a break :) Also, don't they say that as long as you enjoy what you do, no time is ever wasted? Or...uh...something along those lines :D I hope you finish off strong, though!

    1. I agree, it can be exhausting, brilliant but exhausting. Exactly, I don't feel any of my time has been wasted this week. It's been hectic and not as successful as I'd hoped but I've had a great week. I hope you finish of strong too :)

  3. Dude... pizza, cake, good weather and sisterly bonding? That sounds like excellent compensation for the reading thing. Sam's dead right - we all have to have AT LEAST ONE BoB day that ends up more of a 'do everything BUT BoB day'. :D

    1. Thinking about it now, it was actually a pretty awesome day. Mostly because of the pizza. I may have had more than one day like that...


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