Thursday 16 May 2013

Bout of Books: Wednesday (the Star Trek edition)

Wednesday has been my least productive reading day so far this week. It started with the massive fail I eluded to in yesterday's update: falling asleep in my book and forgetting to turn on the alarm. BUT (and this is a big but) I went to see STAR TREK. Yes. The Lit Nerd got nerdy. Trust me, it was not pretty. 

I started the day contemplating the possibility of wearing my Spock ears to the cinema.Firstly, yes, I do have Spock ears. For my 21st I did Star Trek fancy dress. THAT IS HOW COOL I AM. Secondly, I decided that wearing the ears would be a step too far. Good decision, I think. 

So, Star Trek: basically it was one giant nerdgasm from start to finish. I mean, I've always been in love with Spock but Kirk was actually a little bit wonderful and don't even get me started on Sulu or Scotty. And Khan?! Oh, Benedict. *ahem, pulls self together*

If you're a die hard Trekkie there will be so much in there for you to love. I got the most excited (and actually punched my boyfriend) when a Tribble turned up on screen. The Tribble episode is pretty much my favourite EVER. They are so fluffy! 

It was such an emotional roller coaster of a film. I'm not even kidding. There were tears, there was laughter, there was anger and there was a lot of lustiness. PHEW. I was really quite hyper when I left the cinema. Apparently I was talking like I'd drunk a litre of red bull...

I got some reading done on my lunch break and a bit in the gym. I am really enjoying If I Close My Eyes Now although there are a few things about it that I'm a bit unsure of. I did try a few pages before I went to sleep but this was at about 12.30am (so technically Thursday, whoops), and I was still so ridiculously excitable about Star Trek that I couldn't really focus on Marlowe and his cronies. Although I did get to the bit where he chose 'William Shakespeare' as his cover so that was awesome. Still, hopefully I'll do better today...

Wednesday's progress:

I've been reading: The Marlowe Papers, If I Close My Eyes Now

Pages read: I forgot to count...maybe about 30, 25% kindle
Number of book related tweets: 6
Song of the day: 45 by The Gaslight Anthem



  1. We have some movie tickets to use (free tickets? oh yes) but I told boyfriend in the beginning of this week that oh, no, josé (not that it's his name though), not this week. As I already complained in Twitter, everything comes here with months and months of delay so we'll see Great Gatsby and something else... Iron Man 3 maybe.

    Aand I totally relate to how I can't read certain books when being all hyper and excited. But yuuu can dooo eet! I mean you can finish a book. If not today then tomorrow. If not tomorrow then at weekend. If not... then... (etc etc). :)

    Still I wish you a nice reading (and otherwise) day!

    1. Iron Man 3 is totally amazing too and I'm going to see The Great Gatsby tonight (squeal!). I love movies :) I hope you like whatever you see!

      I think particularly with the whole verse thing in The Marlowe Papers you really have to concentrate and that was just not going to happen. But, writing this on Friday, I think I will finish it today. 100 pages to go...I CAN do it!

    2. Ooh hope you enjoy ze Gatzby! Don't forget to tweet about overwhelming emotions/disappointments/etc :D

      Hey I started with 100 pages this morning too; granted I have an easier book but still. YOU CAN FINISH A BOOK, ELLIE!!

  2. I want to like Star Trek, but I just can't! I saw an excerpt from the new film when I saw The Hobbit at the Imax over Xmas and I don't think it's for me at all!

    Happy reading today :)

    1. It seems to have a love/hate reaction really. I was brought up watching the TV series so it's just kind of ingrained in me now. Weird though because I don't like to read sci-fi!

      Happy reading to you too :)

  3. I'm not into Star Trek, but it's nice that you had the chance to go, even if your reading suffered - there are several more days to go. Hope you have a good day (reading or otherwise) today.

    1. It does seem to divide opinions! It was a nice break, particularly after the crazy week I've had at work. Enjoy the rest of the week :)

  4. I didn't realise the new Star Trek film was about proper Star Trek, I thought it was another next next next generation. Hmmm, I could be tempted down to the cinema in that case, especially if there are tribbles!

    1. It's proper Star Trek! Kirk, Spock, Scotty: all the best ones. And tribbles are completely awesome. If a bit not great at the same time. Be tempted :)

  5. STAR TREEEEEK! No, I still haven't seen it. Yes, I want to. No, not just because Cumberbatch's voice makes my insides do bad things. YES, Spock is totally the hottest. It's a happy world where I know other people who also like the clever one instead of fawning over the one who looks like a catalogue model.

    You know what I'd like even more than Spock ears? An elvish circlet. I've got Pre-Raphaelite hair (only blonde), I reckon I could totally pull it off. I'm going to go now. :)

    1. Cumberbatch's everything makes my insides do bad things. The face, the voice, the hair...I mean, I can appreciate Kirk's general beauty but I would climb right over him to get to Spock.

      I'll be a Vulcan and you can be an Elf, deal? I think we'd love pretty awesome.

  6. I don't think the spock ears would be over the top! ok just kidding. The movie was awesome (they really picked awesome actors that are not too shabby on the eyes) I have to confess that I actually own two tribbles! I got them a the Las Vegas Hilton when I saw The Star Trek Experience. They even vibrate and make that little giggle noise. Fantastic. I am a nerd as

    1. You own tribbles?! Ok, I like you. They sound awesome. It's lovely to meet you, fellow nerd :)


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