Tuesday 28 May 2013

Top Ten Books I'm Dying to Read

The Broke and Bookish
Top Ten Books I'm Dying to Read

Ok, so, this week's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie so I'm doing the books I'm most excited to read. You all know I am excitable and these are the books that are pushing me over the edge of excitable into slightly crazy girl territory. Most of them I've gone on about for a while or have madly commented on blogs who have reviewed them so...nothing new here really. Just me, doing my usual, going mad for books. Cracking on...

1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
This needs no explanation. It sounds awesome. And it's about a girl called Eleanor so...win-win situation going on here.

2. Z:A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler
I am still in love with this entire generation of writers and I'm having a mini love affair with Zelda so it's a no-brainer.

3. The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne
Books, memoir, books...Amazing.

4. Havisham by Ronald Frame
Great Expectations will always be my favourite Dickens (simply because of Joe Gargery) and this just sounds like it could be a wonderfully nerdy read.

5. Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
It's epistolary, it's on the Women's Prize shortlist and it's in Antarctica: need I say more?

6. The End of Your Life Bookclub by Will Schwalbe
Books, memoir, books...yet again.

7. The Pre-War House by Alison Moore
The Lighthouse was one of the best books I read last year so I have high hopes for this new release.

8. The Silver Dark Sea by Susan Fletcher
Susan Fletcher is just a literary babe. Her writing has me in goosebumps. This is her latest and I'm very excited.

9. Magda by Meike Ziervogel
War, motherhood and Hitler from the founder of the Peirene Press...interesting.

10. Wave: A Memoir of Life After the Tsunami by Sonali Deraniyagala
Token tear-jerker on the list. It looks like it will be an inspiring/life-affirming read.



  1. Now there's a TOP10 I could easily do, too, if I wasn't so lazy (or busy with other things today :) ) Also I got some ideas from this post which is totally not good.

    1. What are you on about it's totally not good?! It's excellent to get ideas! I obviously fully encourage endless book buying and book reading. Yes, I do.

    2. The buying would be perfectly okay if the pace of reading caught up with that :) I did buy four books yesterday... And they didn't have that Atkinson you told me about on Twitter, so otherwise it would have been five :p

    3. That is the problem. Life does not allow us to read at a pace which matches book buying. Not good. Such a shame it wasn't five :)

  2. HOW did I not know about Havisham??? HOW ON EARTH??? I will own it before the end of the week, I can almost promise. Maybe next week after I get paid. BUT SOON!!!

    And Eleanor and Park is scrumptious. I vlogged about it today over at my place. :D

    1. I do not know, Andi. I feel slightly disappointed in you...I still have yet to actually own this. I've LOOKED at it from afar several times but it's a big chunky hardback so I'm waiting for the paperback. But it looks amazing. And full of Dickens-y goodness.

      You vlog?! How exciting! I'll check it out :)

  3. I hadn't heard of Havisham yet either! It sounds great. I've been meaning to pick up Where'd You Go, too, but just haven't yet. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. Thanks! It doesn't seem to have much fuss made of it which is a shame because I think it would be such a hit with fans of Great Expectations. I'll pick them both up soon.

  4. Nice list! I want to read the novel about Zelda too!

    1. Thanks! I'm sharing the Zelda love :)

  5. E&P was super-awesome-wonderful and I'm sure you'll enjoy it :)

    And I too really want to read The World's Strongest Librarian. Not sure when I'll get to it though.

    1. I think I will enjoy it too, very excited to read it!

      I'm not sure when I'll get to any of these books but here's to hoping it'll be soon. Sometime soon...

  6. Number 3 and Number 5! Get to them! ;) Not to be bossy but you'll love them both!

    1. I'm trying! Damn you, life, getting in the way of reading ALL THE BOOKS.

  7. I want to read Eleanor & Park too, and Havisham looks really cool. Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    Ashling @ Reading, Writing, & Anything but Arithmetic


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