Monday 20 May 2013

Bout of Books: The Finish Line

So, it's over. My first bout of books, in fact, my first readathon. Goodbye readathon virginity! So long, you served me well. How was my experience? I'd say pretty darn spectacular. I mean, there wasn't all that much reading going on but I had a really good time. I found loads of new blogs to follow (stalk) and I joined in with a twitter chat. I feel like participants of said chat should get a t-shirt with the slogan 'I joined a #boutofbooks twitter chat and survived!' It was mental but so totally AWESOME. 

I'm not even going to list Sunday's progress. I think I read about 70 pages which is terrible considering it was my day off. But I made the mistake of getting a little bit merry (completely trollied) so I ended up spending the day lolling around on sofas/my bed, trying not to vomit, ignoring the spinning sensation and generally feeling very sorry for myself. Alcohol is the devil. I did have a very good night out though with my besties. I'm slightly worried about how my farewell party is going to go now because the feels were already brewing. It was EMOTIONAL. 

Every part of my life has been crazy this week: work, the social life, reading life. You name it, I've done it (or so it feels). All in all, considering all the factors, I'm actually quite pleased with my progress. I didn't meet my reading goals (just a little off) but it was a delightful week and I think I've got my mojo back. If it wasn't for the nausea and spinning I would have spent all day yesterday reading. And that makes me happy. A couple of weeks ago I would have not felt like just reading. 

Books read from: If I Close My Eyes Now, The Marlowe Papers, The Winter of the World (poems), Life After Life

Books finished: The Marlowe Papers
Number of films seen: 2 (Star Trek and Gatsby)
Alcoholic units consumed: undisclosed

Good week? Good week!



  1. Wooohoooo, reading! You did really well! I think I read about 40 pages total for the whole weekend, sooo yeah. It's fine, man. And you finished 4 books! That's just fab.

    I should probably write one of these posts too, huh? Ok, I'm on it now :)

    1. I swear that whenever I plan to read and am looking forward to reading I never actually get round to it. I obviously blame my social life which is unusually busy at the moment.

      You definitely should :)

  2. I think The Marlowe Papers counts for a three "regular" books, anyway! And so glad you enjoyed the week. It doesn't always really have to be about reading, although extra push is welcome, but all the other schenanigans around the event (socializing et cetera) were as awesome (if not more!).

    I can never read with hangover. Ever. I just want to sit quietly on the sofa (+ all those other things you mention) and wait for it to go away so I feel like A PERSON again. Of course I always think, too, that "this is the last time I drink anything..." (until the next time :D)

    1. I agree, it was quite a chunky monkey AND written in verse so I do think that gets me extra points. I think it was the extra shenanigans that made it the most awesome really. I loved chatting to people and reading new blogs. Definitely doing it again.

      I know I will do it again. I've started planning my moving away party already and I just know that the next day I'll be flat out, staring into space, trying not to move and swearing never to do it again :D

  3. You did great :)
    I feel the same way as you, the readathon really made me much more enthusiastic about reading than I have been recently. I am ready for this week to be more chilled, though!

    1. Yes, a chilled week is just what I need! I'm glad it helped your enthusiasm too :)

  4. Yay! So glad you had a good Bout-of-Books week! Hope to see you in August ;)

    1. You will definitely see me in August!

  5. You did SO awesome, considering all that alcohol ;-)

    Seriously though, YAY for readathons! They're so fun. And those Twitter chats are CRAZY insane, but I always enjoy them more than I think I will.

    1. Haha, thanks :)

      It was a fun, crazy, insane and awesome week and I cannot wait to do it again!


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