Monday 20 May 2013

Classics Spin #2: And the number is...

Oh heck...the number is 6. Which means I'd better get cracking with Anna Karenina.

Thanks to twitter folk I'm slightly less worried about getting Anna K. because the general consensus seems to be that it is awesome. And if all my favourite bloggers say it is awesome, then awesome it must be.

What did everyone else get??



  1. Anna K really is awesome ;) I got Robinson Crusoe. I haven't ever read it and I'm looking forward to it!

    1. I think I read Robinson Crusoe at uni (not the best sign that I don't remember it at all), I hope you enjoy it! I'm excited for Anna K now :)

  2. Spin results seem very interesting this time, everyone got either a chunkster or something they wanted to read for a long time anyway :D

    You'll do it, and even if you won't finish, it can be like a summer project or something. I think it's pretty cool to read Russian lit in summer :)

    1. I think it's good that people got chunksters. It'll be like we are all in it together, helping each other through. A big supportive chunkster family, if you will!

      I like the sound of a summer project. I think because I'm moving I will struggle to finish but I am actually in no rush. I think it is one to savour. Russian lit in summer seems like the ultimate oxymoron. I can't wait!

  3. It is AWESOME! I intended to read it slowly but ended up doing it in two weeks as it was amazing. It's one of my favourite books ever now.

    1. Well in that case, I am definitely looking forward to starting it.

  4. Awesome but long! Hope you will enjoy it.

  5. AK is a long slog of a read, but worth it. I'll just give you a heads up that there are a few chapters where one of the characters waxes philosophical about farming. Having said that ... enjoy!

    1. Hah yes, the musings over the farming chapters :) They were quite horrible at first but now I think they have become the topic of discussion of their own.

    2. How can you wax philosophical about farming?! I'll have to use the speed-read skills I perfected whilst reading Pamela at uni for those bits then :)

  6. It really is a great book that you will probably love. I love Levin's story more than Anna's, even though she's the title character. I remember thinking he and I were very much alike, but now I don't remember how!

    1. Ok I'm getting more and more excited now with each person who tells me it is good. I think this spin may have given me quite the treasure.


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