Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 in Review: Fiction

This year has been a funny one for reading. I started the year reading loads, but then I hit a slump and DNF'd almost everything I picked up. I'm slowly getting back to my normal reading levels now, but that explains why all except one of the books featured in the list were read in the first half of the year. Sorry July to December, you were a bit of a bust.

I've not stuck to any particular number of books, instead I've grouped them into my favourite debuts, classics, books that I wouldn't usually go for, and books by authors that always crop up in my favourites.

The Debuts:
Wake by Anna Hope
The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer
The Undertaking by Audrey Magee
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
The Night Guest by Fiona Mcfarlane
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

The Classics:
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
The Rector's Daughter by F. M. Mayor

The Ones Out of My Comfort Zone:
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel

The Recurring Ones:
The Lie by Helen Dunmore
The Silver Dark Sea by Susan Fletcher

Links are to significant mentions on Lit Nerd or reviews here or on Centenary News.

Which books made it in to your favourites list this year?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway or fill in my reader survey!



  1. The Miniaturist was in my top ten books of 2014. I read that in a single day during one of the readathons. I couldn't put it down!

  2. Great list! I'm seeing so many good things about The Miniaturist. I'm reading Station Eleven now.

  3. I had a bit of a weird blip at the end of 2014 too - trying to read The Pickwick Papers really slowed my reading and really set me back. I signed up for the book club at work too because I feel as though I should make more of a social effort with the people I work with and the first book I "had" to read was We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and I wasn't a big dan so that was a bit of a downer too!

    I still haven't read Station Eleven, which is ridiculous and I think my Dad will explode if I don't read The Lie soon so they're both priorities for 2015. I had Wake in my top ten for 2014 and I read that in January so here's hoping that this January can contain some gems too.

    Happy New Year :)

  4. Great list Ellie, I hope you have a good reading year in 2015. Happy new year x

  5. You have already seen my list of favs. I started thinking when I read Burial Rites and realised it must have been in 2013 instead - I thought it's the type of book you might enjoy. I'm really glad you liked Dostoyevski! Aaand I want to read The Shock of the Fall really a lot, I'll try to make it this year.

  6. Definitely read The Shock of the Fall. It's such a simple yet beautiful read.

    I am forever merging the years - I can never remember when I read anything!

  7. Thank you, Lindsay. The same to you on both counts! x

  8. Sometimes Dickens just needs to stay in the nineteenth century!

    I hate feeling like I need to make more of a social effort at work. It probably makes me sound like such a grump, but I don't really fancy spending more time with my colleagues. Unless of course I really hit it off with any of them, but that has not been the case unfortunately.

    Read both now! Although not at the same time - that would be one emotional roller coaster that'd be hard to recover from.

    Happy New Year lovely, and here's to January being a goodun :D

  9. Thank you :) It's a really wonderful book. In fact, so is Station Eleven. I hope you're enjoying it!

  10. I was the same. I kept sneaking quick peeks whenever I had a moment. I'm glad you enjoyed it too :)

  11. Happy New Year to you too, Christine. I would definitely take that as a sign :)


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