Sunday 28 December 2014

Things That Made Me Happy This Week #8

1// A two-day work week and Christmas tunes in the office Tuesday was my last day at work before Christmas and we celebrated by blasting a variety of Christmas classics. I managed to restrain myself from dancing and singing at full-volume to Wham as I'm pretty sure there would not have been many appreciative faces in the room. Now I don't have to look at or speak to a single therapist until 2nd January and you have no idea how happy that makes me.

2// Planning for our European Adventure My sister and I decided a few months ago that we were going to travel next year. We have both booked just over two weeks of annual leave for June and have a vague idea of where we want to go. We booked the Eurostar for the first leg of our trip at the weekend and now I'm getting into full on planning mode and loving it. I'll be talking more about the trip in the New Year.

3// Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper I started this at the weekend and very quickly plowed my way through. It's a wonderfully sad yet uplifting novel which to me seems to be the Canadian version of Harold Fry.

4// Deciding my Christmas Read I don't actually know why I make such a big deal about choosing the book I'll read over the Christmas period. I guess I think that Christmas is a time for happiness so it's only right that I chose an extra special book that I know will make me smile from ear to ear.

5// Being home Home cooked food, a roaring fire and family. It doesn't get much better than that.

6// Finishing my 25 Days of Fitness and knowing I'm not going to stop On Christmas morning I finished my 25 Days of Fitness challenge with a run. It was the perfect way to start Christmas Day and I'm so proud of myself for completing the challenge. Although I gave myself a break on Boxing Day, I got back to it yesterday and I can safely say it's become a habit.

7// Christmas Manicure I took my own advice and gave myself a Christmas manicure on Christmas Eve. Red and gold is always my standard and I love how it's turned out.

What has made you happy this week?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway or fill in my reader survey!


  1. My happy things this week:

    1) Christmas with my family, OBVIOUSLY.
    2) Snow! I may have mentioned it a few times around the internet... :P Snow falling was beautiful and sunshine on snow the next morning was glorious.
    3) Reading funny Buzzfeed compilation articles, including one video that made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to see my tea again. I had to stop it for a minute to calm down!
    4) The moment Millie (the ginger cat) discovered my new super-soft blanket and went into purry raptures over it.
    5) Clearing snow and feeling all virtuous and rosy-cheeked when I came back inside.
    6) Yesterday I tried a little glass of the new Snickers milkshake and then had the bright idea of adding a drop of Thorntons chocolate liqueur. I had a bakery mince pie with it and OMFG ELLIE HEAVEN.
    7) Reading French Milk by Lucy Knisley. She and her mum visited Paris for six weeks starting on Christmas Day, and there's lots of talk of cafes and art galleries and wandering the markets and shops - so a perfect book to pick up post-Christmas.

    Not as exciting or active as your happy things, but HAPPY, which is what matters. :D

  2. Congrats on completing your challenge! And I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday time off from work 😃

  3. I am also very proud of you for completing the challenge! And lovely manicure.

  4. Thank you and thank you :) I love a Christmas polish!

  5. Thank you! I'm 100% sure I will do :)

  6. Woohoo, thanks for sharing! It doesn't matter how big or little it is, as long as it does make you happy. I'm so jealous of the snow - it's not fallen in either London or Somerset so I'm feeling quite let down by Britain. Although I must say the skies recently have been absolutely to die for. I just wish I was a half-decent photographer (note to self: become a decent photographer). Also your no. 6 sounds so good I'm going to have to forget I read it :D


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