Friday 19 December 2014

Giveaway: Celebrate Lit Nerd's Two Year Blogoversary With Me!

Who is ready for some Wilkie enthusiasm? Who am I kidding? You all are!

In November I shamefully let my two year blog anniversary slip by without notice, but now, with Christmas on the horizon, I've decided it's time to do a special something for the lovely people who stick by me through thick and thin (that's you, by the way). I've gathered together two of my favourite Wilkie-related reads and a beautiful notebook to giveaway to one lucky person.

First up is an edition of The Woman in White that I've been eying up for the longest time. It's red, it's mysterious and there is some beautiful typography. Then there is Peter Ackroyd's biography of the man himself. I read this last year and found it the perfect accompaniment to Wilkie's novels. It's not too long, there is humour and plenty of little anecdotes that are sure to interest even the most reluctant Wilkie-lover. Finally there is a lovely old-school design notebook to document your Wilkie journey in. Interested? Go ahead and fill in the rafflecopter below.

Best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. thanks for the giveaway, i love reading and im always looking for new authors.

  2. Happy blogoversary again Ellie, and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2015. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts. Lindsay x

  3. Congratulations! I read some great books because of your recommendations this year.

  4. Oh looks like we started about the same time - my two year is coming up on 1st of February :)

    CONGRATULATIONS! You know how massively I enjoy coming to your blog. Many years to come :)

    And zomg look at those prizes *wipes drool off from the keyboard*

  5. I've entered thank you and big congratulations on your blogiversary

  6. *stalks in regally wearing a cape and crown* I HAVE ARRIVED. I mean, entered. Obviously you introduced me to Wilkie, and that edition is lovely, and I want to read the biography anyway, and who DOESN'T love notebooks?! Wonderful idea for a uniquely Lit Nerd giveaway, and a VERY happy blogoversary, and Merry Christmas too! :D

  7. Thank you so much, I'm glad my recommendations are worthwhile :D

  8. Thank you so much, Lindsay. Merry Christmas and a happy 2015 to you too! Thank you for always taking the time to post such lovely comments x

  9. Well I have thoroughly enjoyed chatting to you this past two years - how fast it goes! Thank you for continuing to read :)

    Haha, I know. I couldn't really give away anything other than Wilkie.

  10. Haha, welcome Ellie! It took my ages to decide what to giveaway, but then I realised there could be nothing else -Wilkie trumps all! Thank you Ellie, Merry Christmas to you too :D

  11. Enjoying your Blog - Thanks for the Giveaway - Entered x

  12. Have entered. Thank you for giveaway :-)

  13. Brilliant competition :-) All entered, thank you very much! Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Happy New Year!

  14. Congratulations on two years! Long may it continue, happy new year xxx

    Joy // The Harpy

  15. Congratulations on your blogoversary! Happy New Years, too!

    Is The Woman in White your favorite Wilkie Collins book? I haven't read anything by him but it looks really interesting.

  16. Great giveaway happy new year


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