Thursday 1 January 2015

Reading Resolutions

Happy New Year lovely people! Today, in between naps (midnight is far too late for an early bird like me), I have been thinking about my reading goals for this year. I'm not really making reading resolutions, I just like the alliteration for the title, because I think goals are more achievable and I love having something to work towards.

I have a history of piling the pressure on myself and making things too stressful so this year I'm stripping things right back - from my reading habits, to my running schedule and to my general lifestyle choices. If 2014 was stress and anxiety inducing then 2015 is going to be as cool as a cucumber in the arctic. Pretty chilly.

My reading goals are well-suited to that chill as this year I'm all about reading what I want, when I want to read it. 

That means no advance planning, all spontaneity.

Following on from that is my decision to not do any challenges this year. I'm keeping things simple. I'm still going to keep up with the Classics Club and have a look at what books I have to read on my list, but I'm going to tackle books when they suit me and because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.

There are a couple of exceptions to this as I will be participating in Leah's Jazz Age in January and Hanna's War and Peace read along. But both events are exciting and relevant to my usual reading habits.

My final two goals are a little more structured. Firstly, I want to read more non-fiction. I started reading more in 2014, but there are now so many titles that have piqued my interest and been added to my ever-expanding wish list. I think it's time I cultivated the habit going forwards.

Secondly, I think I'm ready to really start tackling my bulging TBR shelves. I have a feeling that now is the perfect time to do it as I'm currently saving for my big European adventure and therefore cannot afford to not visit the backlist.

I've never thought that I will finish every single book I own, but it will be nice to make a dent before I add any more to my collection.

So there you have it, a few choice goals that should pave the way for a relaxing and exciting year of reading.

What are your reading goals for 2015?



  1. Happy new year! Yay to reading what you want, when you want :)

  2. I'm with you on tackling the TBR -- it's so hard to resist new books, but I just have so many that are neglected already :( I also like your decision to read what you want when you want - it seems so obvious, but gets trickier with blogging and the expectations we sometimes put on ourselves. All the best in 2015!

  3. I decided to be spontaneous with my reading a couple of years ago, after setting myself all sorts of strangely specific challenges to get done through the year. It's very liberating. Also being stricter about how many books I buy - which I found last year made me choose more carefully, and I had so many really great reads. Here's to a year full of excellent books!

  4. Your goals sound wonderful. I like to be spontaneous too - I remember making a list at the beginning of last year and I can't have read more than 5 of the books on that list so attempting it again feels like a bit of a fruitless task. Happy New Year! xo

  5. I'm keeping it simple, too....fewer obligations, more diversity. Happy 2015!

  6. You too! I think it's the best way to spend 2015 :)

  7. Thanks, Christine. All the best for you too! It really is very hard to resist new books, particularly when all the bloggers I trust review and recommend them. I'm all about ignoring those expectations this year and just enjoying the process as it happens :)

  8. Liberating is exactly what it is! Happy 2015 :D

  9. Thank you, Jennie and Happy New Year! I never seem to stick to lists I make because it feels too much like I'm being told what to read (even if it's me telling myself). Perhaps I'm rebelling against all those English Lit reading lists I've had over the years :)

  10. I think it's the best way! Happy New Year :D

  11. I'll have to follow your example and read slower too. I find myself racing through books just to get to the next one sometimes.

    Good luck with your goals. We will have to help each other along!


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