Sunday 4 January 2015

Things That Made Me Happy This Week #9

1// Potted Sherlock A couple of years ago on a family trip to New York we decided to go off-Broadway and see Potted Potter, a comedy show where the two actors retell every single Harry Potter book in about 90 minutes. Their latest offering is Potted Sherlock which, you guessed it, has them retelling every single Sherlock Holmes story in 80 minutes. It's literally laugh a minute stuff and perfect for Sherlock enthusiasts like me.

2// Being back in London I adore being in the countryside when we go back to Somerset, but there is something so comforting about coming back to London. I think that really goes to show how happy living here makes me and how much it feels like home.

3// Coffee in Foyles On Monday we had a wander round our usual haunts - Charing Cross Road and Soho area - and stopped in for a coffee at the cafe in Foyles. We'd not been there before and it was just lovely - bookish, quiet and so very relaxing. Good coffee, too!

4// New Year's Eve My sister and I had quite a laid back New Year in the end. We went to a comedy show at the Top Secret Comedy Club, followed by dinner at Polpo, then found our way home (eventually) in time to watch Graham Norton and Hootenanny (not good this year, sorry Jools.) We had a laugh, ate some lovely food and spent the big moment in our lounge pants on the sofa - the perfect way to end one year and start the next.

5// Batch cooking Productive Saturdays are all about batch cooking. Yesterday I whipped up a veggie chili using Jamie Oliver's 15 Minute Meals recipe and a very tasty tomato and lentil soup perfect for my lunch at work. I also put together another batch of homemade muesli earlier this week which I've been eating every morning with blueberries. Homemade tastes better!

6// Reviewing 2014 As much as I try to keep looking forward, sometimes looking back can be a lot of fun. This week I've really enjoyed putting together my 2014 in Review posts which finished with my favourite fiction on New Year's Eve.

What has made you happy this week?



  1. Coffee is a no brainer with happiness right?! The new Foyles bookstore is DIVINE!
    That book looks like a fun read!

  2. I read one of Mendelson's books last year - what a cast of characters there were. Coffee *always* makes me happy.

  3. I think she is a good character writer, for sure. Haha, indeed!

  4. Oh, definitely! Divine is the perfect way to describe it :D


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