Saturday 31 August 2013

Austen in August Wrap-Up and Reviews

It's September tomorrow which means Austen in August is officially over. I have had a wonderful month reacquainting myself with Jane. We'd become somewhat estranged as I explained in this post. I think my attitude towards Austen has changed for the better. I have now read all of her longer works except Mansfield Park and I would not avoid re-reading any of them. Perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder after all...

Anyway, during this event run by Adam at Roof Beam Reader, I have read Sense and Sensibility and Emma. I only intended to read S&S and then perhaps branch out to some non-fiction but my library let me down on the non-fiction front and I enjoyed S&S so much I though well why not just crack on with Emma whilst I'm it. It has been a great month, I have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts as well as reading the books themselves. And, most excitingly, I was the lucky winner of Yours Affectionately, Jane Austen by Sally O'Rourke Smith from a giveaway hosted by Adam. I cannot wait to get my sticky-Austen-loving-mitts round to devouring it. 

Oddly, I never have that much to say about Austen novels aside from the general gushing that seems to be the average reaction and with these two I have been unable to put my thoughts into actual words. So, in quite lazy fashion (sorry), I am including my (very mini) mini-reviews in this wrap-up.

Sense and Sensibility

It's been a long while since I have seen the Emma Thompson adaptation of S&S so I had actually managed to forget everything that happens (score). I had forgotten about all of the Willoughby drama and who ends up with who. It is necessary to mention though that I had not forgotten about Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon...

Generally, I loved it. I was occasionally irritated and I did think it was all wrapped up rather too quickly but I can see what Austen was doing there. I found myself relating to Elinor (not just because of the name) more than Marianne and I think that must say something about me but I just found her to be the more likable character. 


I think I preferred S&S to Emma but I did completely adore Emma for it's comic value. I was continuously amused and, at the same time, continuously cringing at her inability to read situations correctly and her ability to make a mess of most things. 

I thought the characterisation was very impressive in Emma. I really had a sense of the idiosyncrasies of each character and just reading their names would bring them to the forefront of my mind. Mr Woodhouse and his ailments and the talkative Miss Bates I thought were particularly wonderful. And Mr Elton?! What a creep, right?!

My apologies for the brevity of these reviews, my mind has been terribly busy this month and I am already consumed with a longing for Hemingway that is threatening to overwhelm my life...I should really crack on finishing my current reads and just start my spin read.

How did everyone enjoy Austen in August? I will definitely join in again if it's ever run again (hint hint)...perhaps I shall finally get around to Mansfield Park then.



  1. It has been a most wonderful month hasn't it?
    I'm glads you've found your JA love again.
    I reread MP for the first time in about twenty years and realised how much better it is second time around. I really think that JA is one of thise authors that improves with each reread.

  2. Great success all around, I think. I read one book! That was the goal so yay! I think out of all Austen novels Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abbey interest me the most. I will read them one day (after all, the whole life without any Austen novels and now I've read two in the same year - not bad progress at all).

  3. I loved Austen in August, like you I managed to read two of her novels. I loved both and managed to cross 2 books off my classics club list, result!
    I am more of an Elinor than a Marianne too, although sometimes I would like to be more Marianne.


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