Saturday 3 August 2013

Austen in August

It's August 3rd which means Roof Beam Reader's Austen in August event is well and truly underway. I'm pretty excited right now. It has been a while since I last read an Austen (Persuasion at uni, I think) so I am really looking forward to getting stuck in. 

No doubt along with many other readers, Austen (and Daphne du Maurier if you're interested) was kind of my first foray into the classics. I read my Mum's copy of Pride and Prejudice when I was in school and basically adored it. Considering good old Jane did provide me with a way in to the classics, I did not go around madly consuming all her novels. I have only read P&P, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey and some of her shorter fiction/juvenilia. It is almost an embarrassment to admit to my lack of Austen knowledge. Something needs to be done about this, like, NOW. 

Enter Austen in August. For this event I am going to be reading Sense and Sensibility. I have only planned the one read because I only have one Austen on my Classics Club list. But I am not precluding the possibility of maybe just having a sneaky re-read of Persuasion if S&S makes me feel so inclined.

Since their releases I have also been very interested in reading Paula Byrne's The Real Jane Austen and John Mullan's What Matters in Jane Austen? I have just filled out the application to join my local library so I think, if either are available at the library, I may read some Austen related non-fiction too. August is after all quite a long month.

We all know I love to tweet (sometimes excessively, I'll grant you), so I will be tweeting away using the official event hashtag #AusteninAugustRBR

Who else is joining in with this event? Are you as excited as I am?



  1. I'm taking part in this one and will be reading Persuasion (I haven't read it!) and hosting a giveaway later this month. I'm actually considering picking the book up today...we'll see :)

    1. Persuasion is the best! I look forward to reading your thoughts :)

  2. I reeeeally wanted to join (and I'm still feeling conflicted about it...) but I've read too much Austen lately and I need to focus on the humongous pile of books I'm in the middle of. (I've read both Northanger Abbey and Persuasion in the past year.) But I do love Austen, so I'm excited to see what everyone else reads!

    I think it's interesting that if you've read 3+ books by just about any other author, you can consider yourself fairly knowledgeable about them, but when it comes to Jane Austen, NOTHING WILL SUFFICE but having read ALL her works! Ha, ha. Don't be embarrassed about "lack of Austen knowledge"...but of course, reading more of her books can't hurt ;)

    1. I think you've done pretty well with your Austen reading! Two of my faves too :)

      She has so many books! I think I'm not even half-way through them. I have a sudden urge to read loads now though so maybe my knowledge will increase exponentially in the next few months. Must add more to CC list...

  3. I'm taking part too. I'm at the same point as you, having read three of her novels already, although different ones from you. S&S is a really good book, you'll have to see if you're a Marianne or an Eleanor :)

    I'm planning to reread Emma & then maybe try Northanger Abbey or Persuasion.

    1. I'm already leaning more towards an Elinor (not just because of the name). Marianne is so very emotional!

      Persuasion is the best but Northanger Abbey is very good too. I'm thinking I might add Emma to my list as another one I've not read because I've made such good progress with S&S so far :)

  4. I am excited too. Even so much that I actually took Mansfield Park out of the bookshelf last night and placed it closer to my bedside, hehe.

    On somewhat connected note, in Lost in a Good Book that I'm reading right now, Thursday Next just landed in Sense and Sensibility a few chapters ago and had a nice littl chat with Marianne. It was humorous :)

    1. I had S&S positioned very close to my bed for a while before starting! Kept inching it closer the closer we got to August. Clearly a bit too enthusiastic!

      That's awesome! I desperately need to read those books :)

  5. I'm rereading Mansfield Park, my least favourite. As well as tackling a couple of non-fiction Austen books.
    Good luck

    1. I've not read Mansfield Park and have no urge to either...I quite fancy some non-fiction too. I hope you enjoy!

  6. You're beating me with the Austen reading. I've only managed to read the first 5 pages of Pride and Prejudice about 3 times. (I was maybe too young, and too obsessed with the BBC Pride and Prejudice adaptation with Colin Firth to be able to get into it.. the book just didn't seem as accessible as the TV series)

    I do want to try to read some Austen now that I'm older and... not so much wiser, but more likely to give writing styles that I'm not used to a chance. So maybe I'll read some Austen this August too!

    1. Do it! I'd forgotten how much I loved Austen before I kind of left her behind. It's surprising how something you find difficult (I found her style tricky at first) becomes easier once you're a bit more well-read.

      Can't get Colin Firth out of my head...

  7. I'm half-way through Sense and Sensibility and love it, but have some mixed feelings about some characters because I watched the 1995 movie first. I might take on Persuasion next or a non-fiction book because I keep hearing about so many interesting books from other bloggers. Happy reading!

    1. It's been a while since I watched the movie so thankfully I've forgotten most of it. I'm looking forward to a re-watch though! Go for Persuasion! I'm telling everyone to read that because it is the best :)

  8. My review of Northanger Abbey is scheduled for next week, and I've had the mini-series playing in YouTube behind my work screens today. :D

    1. Austen mini-series's are always so good! I'm looking forward to watching the Emma Thompson S&S when I finish the book :D


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