Friday 23 August 2013

Bout of Books: Thursday

Tuesday and Wednesday were both days that can only be described as failures. I read of course, I do always read, but my heart was not in it so I just kinda gave up on the whole thing in the hopes that come Thursday, when my few days off work start, I'd be back in the mood and raring to go. I was right. Thursday was awesome. I finished a book (I am currently doing my 'I finished a book' dance)! 

I posted my review on Alex Woods pretty much straight after finishing it because I just had to get the feels off my chest. It's been a while since I've been so affected by a book. I loved it.

So anyway, even though it may have looked like I abandoned Bout of Books without even really getting started, I didn't and now I have a renewed vigour for this whole reading thing. How is everyone getting on?

Thursday's Progress:

Pages read: 50% kindle and around 70 pages (ish)
Books read from: The Universe Versus Alex Woods, Fifty Shades of Feminism, Emma
Number of books finished: 1
One thing about my day: I ran 11 miles in pouring rain. It felt good until I got home and then got stuck half-way up the stairs. I am currently catching up on blogging and the like because my legs have seized again and I'm stuck on the sofa. Yes. This is my life. Half-marathon in 2 can do it?



  1. YOU CAN DO IT! :) Both the half-marathon *and* Bout of Books! High5!

  2. I'm desperately trying to convert miles to kilometres in my head if I'm right it's about 18km so WOAH, go you!

    How are you finding 50 Shades of Feminism?

  3. Oh my gawd, 11 miles??? You are a BEAST! My sister has a half-marathon coming up in a month - ya'll are crazy :) But youuu can dooo it!

    Yay for loving Alex Woods and getting your reading mojo back!!

  4. Yay, your Thursday sounds awesome!
    I am so impressed at you running 11 miles, I ran 3 for the first time a few days ago and that was super hard. One day I will be as good as you :)

    My Thursday was bad in terms of reading. My husband is at Frightfest so I lounged around all day watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Reading-wise, it was a write-off.

  5. The I finished a book dance should be a special achievement award. We should so have those.

  6. Nice! 11 miles is amazing, and you can totally do the half marathon. :) I had a slow start to the readathon too, but hopefully I can catch up...

  7. I want to learn to love running, too! Good job finishing a book :) And good luck for the half marathon, jeez, I can't even begin to imagine how that might feel like.


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