Friday 16 August 2013

Bout of Books 8.0: The Goals

Bout of BooksBout of Books 8.0 is nearly here! Who is just as over-excited as me? Anyone? Every one participating I hope, otherwise I look a little odd...

Anyway, I am really looking forward to this bout of books. Since moving to London I have had more time than ever to read and I have been really thoroughly enjoying it. As much as I love the old socialising, sometimes you can't beat a night in with a good book, some good background music and few cheeky snacks (tonight's snack of choice is an entire packet of bourbon biscuits...oops). This week I am going to try and beat my successes of last time. I'm thinking it won't be too hard because I now work slightly less hours, I have tube journeys, and this time around I'm not reading an entire novel in verse. That did kinda slow things up a little. AND the really exciting thing is I'm only working three days this week. Yep, that's right folks, I'm rocking out a Monday-Wednesday week. I have two days of holiday followed by the weekend followed by a Monday bank holiday the next week. Five days off! It's gunna be a goodun. Granted, these two days are suddenly wide open to due a significant and not very nice change in my circumstances (girl got dumped) but, as some of you may know, I'm always on the lookout for a silver lining and I think bout of books is that silver lining. Bringing me one step closer to fulfilling my ambition to read ALL THE BOOKS.

I've got myself an entire week of!

To the goals:

  • For the days I am working I will continue on with my normal reading schedule - tube journey to work, lunch hour, tube journey home and an hour or so before bed.
  • On Thursday (after a juicy lie-in) I intend to spend the day chillaxing to the max with a book in hand. ALL DAY.
  • Over the weekend I will aim to read for 3-4 hours a day or more if I can manage it around cleaning the flat, training for the run, attempting to be social and doing various bits of writing I have to finish.
  • I will hope to participate in one twitter chat (if my brain can handle the crazy-awesomeness of that again)
  • I aim to visit many many blogs, comment lots and spread bookish and nerdy enthusiasm to all corners of the globe. Erm...yeh.
  • Obviously I will be tweeting away throughout.
To the books:
  • August is Roof Beam Reader's Austen in August and I am currently about halfway through Emma for that. I aim to finish that this week if possible.
  • I am going to show my kindle some lovin' and read The Universe Versus Alex Woods as it has been languishing on there for some time and Sarah's review has pretty much made it a crime for me to leave it any longer
  • Once I have read this two I will tackle some non-fiction for my own non-fiction challenge
  • After that it will be a free-for-all!
I am trying not to plan too much what I am going to read because I just know that if I do I will get all stroppy and wannabe rebellious and point blank refuse to read anything at all. As you do.

What are your plans for Bout of Books 8.0??



  1. Hello! You’ve been nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award! If you choose to accept, here’s the deal:

    1. Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
    2. Announce your win with a post. Post a link back to your nominator as a “thank you” for the nomination.
    3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
    4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post.
    5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

    Thanks for being part of the blogging community. I look forward to reading more posts and conversing in the future!

  2. hahaha yeah, Twitter chats get intense, don't they? Everything moves so FAST!! Yikes.

    Great goals, have fun!! :)

  3. Can I do a sad face at your not nice change in circumstances even though we're clearly not dwelling on it and reading will help everything? I can? Here- :(

    I still can't decide if I want to do this or not- I *think* I do, but then the last time I did it I read LESS than usual so that was kind of stupid. But also I sort of want to make a big pile of books and whatnot? Hmmmmmm... (I have said 'hmmm' A LOT on this subject this week. Way more times than necessary, HOW IS THIS A BIG DECISION, ME?!)

    1. Thank you for the sad face. Reading is such a good distraction.

      It's really hard to get the balance between reading ALL THE BOOKS and talking to ALL THE PEOPLE just right. I think because I'm so busy jabbering away I end up reading less but then it's great fun so it is very much a hmmmmm situation.

  4. Well crud. Sorry to hear that a certain someone in your life made a super poor decision. Hmph.

    I do hope that you sink into some fabulous books and escape real life! Bout of Books is coming at a good time for you, no?

    Chin up!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Some people are just pure silly. But yes, books! It has come at the perfect time for me :)

  5. Sounds like you have some great goals. I really want to read The Universe Versus Alex Woods, so I'm looking forward to seeing more thoughts on it!

    1. I'm sure I will be raving about it in no time!

  6. You've got some great goals there, I particularly like the sound of reading all day Thursday after a lie-in. That is pretty much what I plan to do all week, got to make the most of my summer hols before September rolls around :)

    1. I'm so excited for Thursday. There is nothing I like more than waking up, getting myself a hot drink and then getting back into bed for some cozy reading time. I hope you enjoy your entire week of chilled reading!

  7. I AM, I AM! No, seriously. I count down WAY too long for every Bout of Books and have to make a conscious effort not to type everything in capslock when it does come around, LOL.


    Those look like fantastic goals! Hooray for spreading the nerdy enthusiasm!

    Ooh, I love Emma! And adding some non-fiction in there is a great idea, too. :)

    1. Capslock is pretty much the only way I can show quite how enthusiastic I am about this. But, I am trying not to overdo it and I am resisting the urge to write this entire comment in caps. SO EXCITED.

      I hope you have a good week!!

  8. Are you kidding me!? I've been practically jumping out of my skin since I first learnt about the Bout Read-A-Thons! I wanted ever so much to join up in May, but it wasn't meant to be! Instead, I have longed for 19 August to come around, and we're on the true brink of it now!! Except for the Aussies & Kiwi who get to begin ahead of us, as I stumbled across a few blogs from there whilst making my rounds! Lucky ducks!!

    I love how you add your sparkly personality into your goal-listing! You draw us in to want to follow your journey! :) I fell a bit behind on my Austen in August goals, (sighs), but I am finishing *Pride & Prejudice* ahead of it, so that I can post that review *ahead!* of the Bout's start, then afterwards, pick up where I left off with Austen!! *Whew!* And, I wondered why it took me this long to find the Reading Challenge Addicts badge/blog!? Oyyy.

    I am attempting *10!* of my itching to reads, but you'll have to drop by my blog to see 'why' and 'how'!! :) Eek. Less than 23 hours til Bout-Time!

    1. YES YES YES! A fellow excited person!

      Thanks so much, I'm pleased you think so! I'm going to continue with Austen throughout but that's only because I don't want to put Emma down now I'm half-way through.

      10 reads is to your blog I go :D

  9. Hello, fellow Classics Club member and BoutBooker! I thought I'd drop by and wish you good luck with the read-a-thon! And yay for trying to take on nonfiction! Nothing makes a person feel more accomplished than tackling a nonfiction book does!

    Looking forward for your updates throughout the week! Happy reading! :D


    1. Hi Manno! Good luck to you too, I really hope you have a brilliant week. I do love the accomplishment of finishing a non-fiction book! Happy reading :D

  10. I have some classics on my list too. Finally doing my Jane Eyre reread.

    Good Luck & see you around BoB.

    Amy @

    1. What a perfect week to do a Jane Eyre re-read! Have fun and yes, see you around :)

  11. Ellie, good luck for the readathon :) I'm reading Mansfield Park - it's going slow, but I'll finish it by September. I've been so emotionally drained lately that I just couldn't pull myself together for a reading event, but seeing people take part just might inspire me for the next time.

    1. Thanks Riv! Maybe if I keep up the general enthusiasm I am so good at it will might inspire you for next time?! I hope so :) Sending you lots of virtual hugs and happy thoughts. I really hope you feel better soon!

  12. Ah sweetness, that sucks about the dumping thing... but hooray for a week-long bout of bibliotherapy, right?! *smushes Ellie and showers her with chocolatey things*

    I'm REAAAAALLY looking forward to The Universe Versus Alex Woods, but now I've packed it somewhere so... well, who knows when I'll see that again? Some of my favouritest people have heartily endorsed it, so I'll dig it out as soon as I can! Good luck... :)

    1. Thanks for the smooshing and chocolatey goodness :D This week is going to do wonders.

      You'll find it one day and it will be like finding a present! I am sure I will be endorsing it too, it has started so brilliantly. Have an awesome week fellow Ellie!

  13. Best of luck with your goals. I just finished Emma. I am looking forward to seeing what you think of it.
    -Dilettantish Reader


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