Saturday 24 August 2013

Bout of Books: Friday

It's official, this time around I have been a Bout of Books slacker. I have been slacking like a pro. Reading wise I've been alright but in terms of generally joining in, which was my favourite bit of May's BoB, I have sucked. Still, I woke up yesterday morning and finished Emma whilst sipping a mug of coffee and enjoying a relaxed wake-up. Just what I needed. So that means I have finished 2 books this week. I am impressed and over the moon.

Yesterday (or rather Thursday night) my Mother popped on the train to come and visit me for a couple of days. Luckily my sister also had the day off so we (meaning I) had planned a delightful itinerary of London-y goodness. We started off with a walk across the river to Tate Britain (FAVE) to explore the new set-up and the Walk Through British Art. It was ridiculously good. So many pretty pictures including my favourite by Vanessa Bell and all the war paintings. 

Then we took a trip to Oxford Street for a bit of shopping. I bought some new running trainers because I have blisters the size of my toes on my toes. Ouch. I've gone back to my original pair (Nike Pegasus) which I've had about 3 times and which has never let me down. Don't mess with a good thing, clearly! I steered well clear of the large Waterstones and managed to escape the day without buying any books. sister bought me this from Tate which is complete literary heaven:

All the bookshops and literary places in London...
To round off a brilliant day we went for a meal at Launceston Place, a shockingly posh (for me) Michelin star restaurant in South Kensington. It is owned by the same company who own the restaurant my sister works in so she wanted to check it out. I was happy to oblige and go with her, obviously. Posh food, posh wine and posh dresses: check, check and check.

So there we go, not much reading and not much blogging going on but much fun had by all. 

Friday's Progress:

Pages read: approx 100
Books read from: Emma, Ransom by David Malouf
Number of books finished so far: 2
One thing about my day: I took in some art and ate a lot (pretty standard as my days go)

How was day 5 for you? Eventful? Successful? A bit of a flop?

Who loves The Woman in White and Wilkie? This is apparently one of the posters for the stage adaptation. Painted by Frederick Walker. Awesome. (Hanging in Tate Britain)



  1. When you post about your days in London it always makes me feel guilty. I was bought up in central London and live only a 30 min train ride away now but I hardly ever go, I take it for granted I guess.

    Congrats on finishing 2 books, I call that awesome progress :)

  2. Finishing 2 books and reading 100 pages in a day? That doesn't sound like slacking to me! Sounds like you had a marvelous day in London; I always get jealous...

  3. Your posts make me want to visit London! Such a shame I've never been there. Oo and posh restaurants are... posh. Not too often for me, but when I get to one, it's definitely remember-worthy :) Good luck for the last day of readathon!

  4. What what whaaaaaaat, I need that Book Lovers' London book! Seriously, all I know about in London is the Southbank book stall thingy and also there's this Oxfam somewhere that's really good. Neeeeeed it!

  5. Dude, I've been procrastinating LIKE A BOSS since this read-a-thon began. I started off keeping up with ALL THE PEOPLE and reading ALL THE PAGES, then I got sidetracked by my own challenge, going through all the entries and stuff, and THEN I took a duff new painkiller and got laid out for half a day with stomach pains, and THEN I got addicted to House, and today I finally finished the book I started on Monday that "would only take a day or two to read!" YEAH RIGHT, OPTIMISTIC START-OF-READATHON ELLIE. I really should have learned by now...

    Yay books and London and BOOKS ABOUT BOOKISH LONDON. :D

  6. I've been a giant slacker during Bout of Books as well. I did read a bit more than usual but that's about it. Ah well! Sounds like you had such a great visit with your family. I would LOVE to visit London one day :D


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