Monday 19 August 2013

Bout of Books: Monday

II must say yesterday was a very understated beginning to Bout of Books. For me, at least. I don't feel like I have read any more than I usually would. I read on the tube journey too and from work (including reading whilst walking from the train to the staff entrance of my workplace which is not without obstacles and obvious peril), I read on my lunch break and I read for a couple of hours in the evening. I'm definitely looking forward to the end of the week when I can really get cracking with this reading business.

Although it was a bit of a 'meh' day I did semi-participate in the twitter chat which was AWESOME. It was so fast my eyes went all fuzzy but it was so worth it. Mostly for the potential twitter domination by the Ellies. 

Monday's Progress:

Pages read: failed to count...perhaps around 70 plus 20ish% of kindle
Books read from: Emma (giggles), The Universe Versus Alex Woods (FEELS), Fifty Shades of Feminism (fist-pumping and bra burning)
Number of books finished: 0
One thing about my day: This evening I listened to every single Linkin Park album one after the other - clearly feeling nostalgic for teenagedom.

How was your Monday?



  1. I really enjoyed Alex Woods, hope you like it too. I managed one novella, pretty short, but nice to finish something even so. Happy reading today.

    1. I think I will love it, I certainly do so far. That's brill, it's nice to finish something.

  2. OMG OMG OMG Alex Woods! I hope you're loving it!

    And hehe, Linkin Park. I liked them in my teen years too :) Who didn't, really?

    1. I am!

      Well, yes, who didn't?! I still have a very soft spot for them :)

  3. All my bloggy friends seem to love Alex Woods, so my fingers are getting really, really itchy.

    I didn't listen to Linkin Park, but it's okay because the rest of the class did :D

    I think you made nice progress on Monday and hopefully Tuesday is going well, too :)

    1. If I write a review I think your fingers may get even itchier! It's going to be a rave review!

      Thanks, Riv :)

  4. It was a "meh" reading day for me as well. After my kiddo got a note home from school and I was exhausted from a bed wetting incident on Sunday night, I was just done. Asleep by 9:30. Oy!

  5. I should note, my child wet the bed. Just in case there be any inclination that it was me. lol

    1. HAHA! I was under no impression that it would have been you! Does sound exhausting though, I hope the week improves for you. And I hope such incidents are kept to a minimum for the remainder too...

  6. ARGH all the Ellies. That was terrifying. I hope yesterdays reading was all goooood (I am behind in commenting, yes. BUT I AM HERE NOW.)

  7. Reading while walking is quite an art. I tried doing it (a la Beauty and the Beast), nearly fell in the river and stepped in some goose poo. NOT QUITE SO CLASSY. :(

    Viva the Ellie Revolution! *wanders off to make a banner and maybe a fight song*


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