Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Classics Spin #3

Another Classics Club spin I hear you say? Well, why ever not?! I loved the first one and completely adored the second so I am inevitably cheered by the prospect of a third. Let's be havin' ya.

The idea is to pick twenty books from your classics club list. On the 19th August a number between 1 and 20 will be announced and you have to read the book corresponding to that number in your list and read it before the deadline (October 1st). Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

The List:

Please, please, oh pretty please!

1. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
2. No Name by Wilkie Collins
3. Tender is the Night by F Scott Fitzgerald
4. A Farewell to Arms by Earnest Hemingway
5. Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

No. Just no.

6. What Maisie Knew by Henry James
7. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
8. The Fountain Overflows by Rebecca West
9. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
10. Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert

Well, if I must.

11. Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
12. Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
13. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
14. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
15. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Oh, go on then.

16. The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
17. Razor's Edge by W Somerset Maugham
18. Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
19. The Stranger by Albert Camus
20. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Well I certainly know which one I want and which one I definitely don't but I will not tempt fate by speaking of it...Bring on Monday, I can't to find out the number.

The suspense gets me every time. I love it.



  1. Little Women is wonderful! That's the only one I've read on this list. . .it's certainly not my favorite classic, but it is lovely and pure and good.

    Here's to hoping you get one of your top five! I have only ten books lined up in my spin list, each with two numbers, so I guess that gives me a greater chance of ending up with the one I'd like. . . .

    1. I think I'm just a bit wary of reading it because so many people love it.

      That's a good plan!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I enjoyed both 9 and 10 sooo much! But I hope it comes something between 1 and 5 for you :) I'm not sure I'm gonna spin this time around since I still haven't finished my last spin book, but I'll be cheering for you all :)

    1. I do really want to read Madame Bovary but at the same time I'm worried I won't enjoy it. Although I think that's just all in my head and me being silly :) I hoping I won't up end with such a beast of a book like Anna Karenina. I do love the spin though, it's a shame you're not joining in :)

  4. Ooh, I hope you get Tender is the Night that book is AWESOME!
    Neither Scarlet Letter or Madame Bovary are as bad as you are dreading, I promise!

  5. No. Just No. Ha ha ha! Good luck with the spin!

  6. I was absolutely blown away by In Cold Blood - and it definitely isn't one of those 'long books, and boy does it feel it' kind of books. It's actually a pretty easy read and SO DAMN BRILLIANT. I want to read Day of the Triffids, so we could compare notes on that one. And Lolita. And The Handmaid's Tale. Didn't much like Madame Bovary but it was sort of interesting from a social-history perspective. Lady Audley's Secret was a total pot-boiler, and I KINDA want to read it again now I'm not at university and trying to pre-empt everything. *hops up and down and waits of the number announcement*

    Maybe I should do a version of this spin with my own TBR pile sometime! Another interesting way to pick a book, I do like choosing them in strange ways sometimes just to see what happens! Good luck... :)

  7. Hi Ellie
    I also really love the book by Sebastian Faulkes called Birdsong. He evokes a chilling scene when he describes the shelling and noise and sheer hell during the description of trench warfare and crossing no-man's land. Everyone should read it. I went on to read all his books but birdsong is my favourite.

    1. Birdsong is definitely my favourite of all his novels too. There is just something about which gets me everytime.

  8. LOL, I'm so glad I saw this! I'm totally in, and it will be my first Spin! And by the way, Madame Bovary should definitely be on your OH PLEASE, YES! list. Looooved it.

  9. Ha! I do love your category titles. :-) Looks like neither of us want the numbers 6 - 10 so fingers crossed and may the wheel spin in our favour.

  10. I remember having to read Madame Bovary in Uni, I trudged through it. Good luck with getting your ideal number :) I'm quite eager to read The Handmaid's Tale.

  11. I hope you get The Handmaid's tale. I will cross fingers for you :)

  12. Grapes of Wrath and Madame Bovary were just wonderful -- I was sure I'd hate them but I absolutely love both of them. Lady Audley's Secret is a really fun read. In Cold Blood is excellent, also Their Eyes Were Watching God. And I'd been terrified of Hemingway but I really enjoyed A Farewell to Arms.

    But I absolutely hated Tender is the Night, a real disappointment after Gatsby, and The Scarlet Letter was painful, so dull. Good luck!!


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