Monday 2 September 2013

Classics Club List Update

I just couldn't resist...I've extended my CC List. I've been powering through the classics since I first joined the club at the beginning of the year so I thought, well, why not add more?! In eight months I have read 10 of my classics (wowzer) so I've added another 10 or so and my list now stands at 66 books. I wonder how long it will take for me to add more... 

My next two reads are already planned: A Farewell to Arms for the CC Spin and a Wilkie for an event I am planning. SO EXCITING. Hemo and Wilkie = my boys.

I'm also working on another list, still classics orientated but not really part of the Classics Club, which will include all the war writing I still want to read or feel the need to re-read. I'm busy compiling but, as usual, I just keep stumbling across more and more. If anyone has a recommendations for war writing, please share! 

So here is The List if you fancy checking out my additions.


1 comment

  1. I just love lurking on people's CC lists. Yours especially! Good for you for adding to it. I haven't officially added any titles to mine, but I've been keeping up with the ones I read from the original 55, and I have a category for "Classics read but not originally included on the list" so I can see them all together at the finish line. Huzzah!


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