Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Moonstone Read-a-Long #readWILKIE

I've been chatting away for a while about doing a Wilkie-based read-a-long so now I am actually going to do it. I am a big (massive) fan of Wilkie Collins. The Woman in White? One of the best books ever. But I have yet to read The Moonstone which has been called the first detective novel in the English Language. What better time to read a Wilkie than November? It's dark and chilly and the nights are long - perfect for snuggling up with a Wilkie mystery.

About The Moonstone (From Penguin):
"The Moonstone, a yellow diamond looted from an Indian temple and believed to bring bad luck to its owner, is bequeathed to Rachel Verinder on her eighteenth birthday. That very night the priceless stone is stolen again and when Sergeant Cuff is brought in to investigate the crime, he soon realizes that no one in Rachel’s household is above suspicion. Hailed by T. S. Eliot as ‘the first, the longest, and the best of modern English detective novels’, The Moonstone is a marvellously taut and intricate tale of mystery, in which facts and memory can prove treacherous and not everyone is as they first appear."

The Read-a-Long:

The event will last for the month of November. It's very low pressure, I'm only planning on doing a mid-way checkpoint style post at some point during the weekend of the 16th and then a review at the end of the month. But I will be chatting away on twitter throughout!

The Schedule:

Start reading (!): 1st November
Mid-way point check-in: 16th/17th November
Wrap Up/Review: 30th November

Keep up with the Wilkie love on twitter (we all know it's my second home) using the hashtag #readWilkie

If you fancy joining in there is a linky below. Feel free to use the picture on your blog - spread the word!



  1. Zomg zomg zomg so exciting! I guess the fact that the Penguin Classics version I wanted is on sale at Book Depo is a sign or what?

    I'll link up once I created a post for this!

    1. What perfect timing! So glad you're joining in :)

  2. I AM TOTALLY IN ON THIS. Sorry for the caps. I've been meaning to read this one for ages so this is the perfect time to do so. Can't wait to get started! Thanks for hosting. :)

    It's also on the Penguin Classic backlisted title of the day, so it's going for like 10 bucks online. Not a bad deal!!

    1. Caps away! I could have written the whole post in caps but I didn't want to put any one off with my general over enthusiasm :)

      Not a bad deal at all and perfect timing! Thanks for joining in!

  3. Count me in! I'm reading The Woman in White at the moment, so it will be perfect to segue into a readalong for The Moonstone in Nov. Thanks for organizing it!

    1. Thanks for joining! It's going to be such a good month, Wilkie can brighten any day :D Are you loving The Woman in White? It has one of my all time favourite female characters in...not hard to guess who, I'm sure!

  4. I'm in! Wilkie virgin here.

  5. I'm in too! It will be my first time reading the book and anything by Wilkie.

    1. Brill! I hope we all enjoy it :) Wilkie hasn't let me down yet.

  6. It's on my Classics Club list, so I'm in!

    1. Great! So pleased you reading with us and I hope you enjoy it :)

  7. I am in! My first Wilkie and my first read-a-long :)

  8. I'm reading this right now! I'm only 25% of the way in, so I'd love to join the readalong.

    1. So pleased you're joining in, looks like excellent timing! Looking forward to reading your thoughts.

  9. I just bought a copy last week so I am definitely going to take part! I've heard great things about this book and Wilkie Collins in general, so I can't wait.

  10. I was literally just thinking today that I should reread this. Obviously, I'm on board!

    1. Welcome on board! I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it as a reread...it must be good enough at least for you to consider rereading it so that bodes well for us all.

  11. Hey, just found out about the readalong. It sounds really interesting. Unfortunately I'm too late for the link thing?
    It is the first Wilkie Collins novel for me and I will start it right after typing this. :)

  12. The Moonstone is on my "To Read" list and I was just deciding on my next classic, and then I saw your event on The Classic Club. So I'm in!


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