Friday 1 May 2015

This Week in Books and Browsing

This week I've returned to one of my favourite contemporary authors, Alice Hoffman. After three non-fiction reads in a row I was ready for something a little less intellectually draining and this recent buy was at the top of my list. Have you ever had that feeling that you're reading a particular book at exactly the right point in time? That's how I feel about The Museum of Extraordinary Things. Aside from a rather disturbing scene I read yesterday (disturbing yet so beautifully written), this novel has been significantly brightening up my commute. Alice Hoffman's backlist is huge and I'm still catching up with her old novels as she releases new ones, but she never disappoints so I'll keep trawling charity shops until I've read them all.

Lately I've been spending much less time browsing the internet, but now that my training is over and I'm installed in an office once again, I'm pretty sure I'll be back on my favourite sites - Bustle and The Guardian. I've had a little time this week and a couple of articles stuck in my mind, so grab a cuppa and have a read!

I had a mini confidence boost whilst reading Oliver Burkeman's 'You're the only person who will notice if you're dining along. So enjoy it' on The Guardian. Interestingly Burkeman says that he's happy to go to the cinema alone, but not to the theatre or a concert. For me it's the opposite. I often go to the theatre alone and feel pretty comfortable doing so, whilst the thought of going to the cinema solo really freaks me out. Really though I just need to remember those people are more interested in themselves than they are in me. What do you think about going to restaurants/cinemas/theatres alone? Would you/do you do it?

Also on The Guardian I had a little giggle at this 'Fit-Shaming' article written in retaliation to the Protein World ads on the tube network.

I'm getting very excited to read Kate Atkinson's follow-up to Life After Life, A God in Ruins, and this review by Tessa Hadley certainly has not dampened that excitement. 

If you're loving Daredevil on Netflix as much as I am, then Bustle recommends 9 books to read if you loved it and have already finished it.

And finally, Flavorwire published a great piece about Shakespeare's heroines with excerpts taken from a book I really must read: Women of Will by Tina Packer. If you like Shakespeare and women then definitely give this one a look.

What are you currently reading? What are your go-to sites for bookish goodness?



  1. I like Alice Hoffman too when I need something soothing. I recently listened to The Red Garden, and it was the perfect book (and perfect voice) for that particular time. I'm looking forward to reading Edith Wharton in May, one of my favorite writers. I actually like The Guardian for bookish stuff as well, and Kirkus Reviews.

  2. I don't think I've read The Red Garden actually...I'll have to double check. Ahhh, I love Edith Wharton too. Ethan Frome is beautiful. I've not heard of Kirkus Reviews - I'll check it out.

  3. I wish A God in Ruins was out already, feel like I've been waiting for ages

  4. I know, the suspense is killing me! Not much longer now though :)


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