Monday 4 May 2015

May Goals

May Goals Lit Nerd

It feels pretty good that May has come around. I'm very much an autumn/winter gal, but this year it feels like winter has just gone on and on. I'm ready for some sun and at least enough warmth to put my winter coat away. Even though I'm writing this on a particularly grey and dull day, I'm optimistic that the sun is getting ready to come and say 'hey'.

I'm not often one for monthly goal-making, but now I'm making more of an effort to be out in the world again I thought it would be the perfect motivational tool. Are you a goal-maker?

So without further ado, here are my goals for this month:

1// Write a 'Things That Made Me Happy This Week' every Sunday I started creating these posts to remind myself of all the little things that make me happy. It's such a good way to take stock of those moments I might otherwise have let pass me by.

2// Work on not feeling guilty if I take a rest day I'm terrible for feeling guilty. Even if I schedule a rest day into my plan for the week, that day will come around and I'll feel awful for being 'lazy'. I need to remember that my body needs a break.

3// Read what I want, when I want In April I had a couple of reading deadlines for Centenary News and, as much as I enjoyed the reading, it sometimes takes the fun out when you know you have to finish a book. This month I'm going to delve into my TBR and read whatever takes my fancy.

4// Reach out to a friend I've not seen a while It's been a little while since I've seen a couple of my friends and I'd like to rectify that this month and have some giggles and girl time.

5// Try something new I'm not sure what this will be yet or even whether I'm thinking of something big or small. It may just be trying a new recipe, a different restaurant or a book I wouldn't usually go for. I'm not sure, but I'll keep you updated.

6// Document more I used to take hundreds of pictures and write in a journal regularly, but this has slipped recently. I keep looking back at photos and being shocked to find there are so few there, even when I know I've been out and about doing things. I have a terrible memory so I'm determined to document more. I've finally bought the camera I'd been saving up for so I'm going to make sure I take that with me everywhere.

7// Be more mindful Mindfulness is something that I've been vaguely aware of for a long time. My Mum gave me a book on the subject for Christmas and I think it's time to dive right in and see how it might improve how I live my life.

8// Cook more Cooking makes me happy and I don't do it nearly enough. It's time to dust off those recipe books.

Do you have any goals for May?

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