Sunday 3 May 2015

Things That Made Me Happy This Week #17

Happy Lit Nerd

Happy Lit Nerd

1// Early morning runs Now that I'm working shifts I'm trying to squeeze in workouts wherever I can, even if it means 5.30am. I've done a couple of early morning runs this week and I've decided dawn is my favourite time to go. It's quiet (well, as quiet as London can be), there's a refreshing chill in the air, and everything just looks beautiful. Plus, the energising properties of an early run cannot be beaten.

2// Alice Hoffman As I mentioned on Friday, this week I've been reading a book by one of my favourite authors. It has been so good to sink into Hoffman's prose and lose myself in her particular brand of magical-realism.

3// Trying new recipes On Tuesday I tried out a new recipe for Moroccan chickpeas with roasted tomato and aubergine. It was SO YUMMY. I always forget that cooking can be the perfect mood-booster at the end of a long day.

4// Book post At the end of last week I placed an order on The Works for a diary (shift work makes a diary a necessity so I'm realising), and as I browsed the website I came across a book I'd been meaning to read for absolutely ages: 'Dorothea's War'. It's a nurse's diary from the First World War and obviously right up my street. It was super cheap so I couldn't resist (any old excuse) and it made me very happy when it came through my postbox. 

5// Doing nothing I've not done anything this week. No theatre visits, no gigs, no meals out, absolutely zilch. As much as I love being busy and experiencing what London has on offer, sometimes it's nice to have a week enjoying your own company.

What has made you happy this week?



  1. Doing nothing is sometimes the best thing that one can do.

  2. I freaking love Alice Hoffman. It's been a while since I've read any of her stuff, but I have THE DOVEKEEPERS on my e-reader so I may go there next.

  3. Morning runs are the BEST and always keep me feeling happy :) I run a few different routes around the town that I work in sort of at the same time each week and I have a few people that always smile at me and say 'good morning', which is tiny but for some reason it always cheers me up :)

    I've never read much Alice Hoffman but last year I listened to the audiobook of Blackbird House and loved it so I do want more Hoffman in my life, definitely.

    And that Moroccan dish sounds delish. I love cooking and have been making a lot more time for baking bread and things recently, which has been super nice. Yey for more cooking!


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