Wednesday 24 April 2013

She be slumpin'

I'm suffering from a raging reading slump. It's stressing me out BIG TIME. I hate not being able to read because reading is my life. It's like a support system. I've always got books to rely on when I'm having a hard time. Books get me through the stress of waiting rooms, solitary lunches, bus rides, tube rides, aeroplanes, sleepless nights, being home alone and every other situation imaginable. I have my favourite children's book (The Velveteen Rabbit) in iBooks on my phone, I carry my kindle, paperbacks, hardbacks and bookish magazines everywhere. It's like missing a limb when I don't have a book near me. I practically feed off that wonderful literary energy of the written word. It's fair to say that right now I feel pretty lost, detached from my own reality because I seem to be unable to immerse myself in another. The bottom line: this sucks.

I don't even know the cause of this slump. I have a number of potentials but I can't decide which one it is. Firstly, my life has suddenly got hella busy. I'm full time again, with a couple of writing jobs on the side, my social life has picked up and preparations are in full swing for the big move (countless application forms and browsing right move). But I'm loving this busyness, I'm happy. I'm seeing friends and family and I enjoy my job. For those who are wondering, I've gone back to a previous job as a receptionist. My bosses are amazing and lovely and I get to sit and write articles for them all day long. Bliss.

The other cause could be what I'm reading. I've been reading Honour by Elif Shafak for about 2 weeks now and I'm getting nowhere fast. I'm about half way through and making very slow progress. A snail's pace, if you will. But again I am completely at a loss to explain why that might be. The story is interesting and I think it is wonderfully written but I'm unable to read more than a chapter at a time. That may just be because of the fact that I keep falling asleep whilst reading which is unheard of for me but is likely linked to the general hectic life I'm currently leading. Hmmm.

The third possible explanation is my bookshelves and the TBR pile that is threatening to topple and bury me (not a bad way to go, I must admit). I am so desperate to read ALL THE BOOKS that I'm constantly looking at what I'll read next instead of focusing on what I'm reading then and there. Plus I keep worrying that I'll never have time to read them all before moving and what on earth will I do with them all. These are stressful times.

After serious consideration I am going to conclude that it is a combination of the above potential causes that are leaving me in this discombobulating state. I'm like a crazy woman right now. Looking at my books longingly, stroking their spines, sniffing their pages and guiltily arranging and rearranging them into neat little piles. It's getting to me. Send help.

Does anyone have any tips to overcome a book slump? Or, like a bad cold, do I just have to ride it out and hope for a swift recovery?

I'm going to put in a picture of one of my bookshelves. The majority of these are books yet to be shown some lovin' and read. A few of them are waiting to be alphabetised which, as much as I love alphabetising (yes, I admit that freely), it's going to be one heck of a job to squeeze these in.



  1. I go through slumps exactly like this every now and again and normally I just try to ride them out. Hopefully by this time next week you will be reading and loving it as much as normal! :)

    1. I think it's all you can do. I'm trying not to focus on it and just spending time doing other things. Thanks, I hope so too :)

  2. That sounds nasty. But I also think it'll pass. I thought I had a slump too, in the beginning of the week. After "Life After Life" I suffered serious book hangover, so I did a bad choice to take a YA book in between the other books, after which I was unable to connect with "Wolf Hall" and "A Tale of Two Cities"... I thought I was doomed! Luckily "Alif the Unseen" arrived in mail on Friday, which I got into from the very first page and so I concluded "phew", maybe it wasn't a slump, maybe it was just about finding the right book for the right moment. That maybe sounds a bit more dramatic than it was, but wanting to read and being unable to is a serious situation :D

    1. It is a serious situation! It may be dramatic to say 'I can't read! My life is over!' but to me, that is how it feels. Stress, stress and more stress. I think you're exactly right, it's probably not that I can't read, more likely that I'm reading the wrong thing. I'm going to put aside Honour for now and try something different. I'm really intrigued by Alif the Unseen. I can't decide if it is the sort of book I'll like or not. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. I'm pleased you're over your hangover and edging away from doomed territory. Let's hope we can both stay clear of it for a while!

  3. I totally know what you mean about spending so much time finding/organizing/obsessing over books that you feel buried. BookRiot did a post about dumping a reading slump not too long ago ( I'd also add picking something that is short-ish to make you feel accomplished, rather that feeling like you'll never get there.

    1. Thanks for the link, that's brilliant. It is so easy to get wrapped up thinking about books without actually reading any. Need to break that habit I think.I'm trying out a very short collection of very short stories at the moment so fingers crossed I'll be out of it soon enough. If not, I'll have to take drastic measures...

  4. Dude, I am seriously about to write a post that is pretty much going to go exactly like this one! Cause ARGH I just can't read things at the moment. I can barely even read Harry Potter, and that is RIDICULOUS because they are the most readable books ever. So, you know, *solidarity hug*.

    So yeah, I think we're just going to have to ride this out and everything will be ok? Less looking at ALLL THE BOOKS there are to read, and more READING ACTUAL BOOKS I think is the best option!

    1. Wow, if you can't even read HP I think you've hit rock bottom *solidarity BEAR hug*.

      Ok, we'll make a deal: no more just looking at books, more reading the darn things. It's the only solution. If you can't get back into HP soon, I'd advise seeking medical advice because something is definitely wrong there. Tad overdramatic maybe? Nah.I'm freaking out here. We'll be fine. Breathe, Ellie. Good luck for a swift recovery with your slump!


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