Friday 12 April 2013

Review: Gone Girl

Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn

Oh my days. I feel like I've been on a whirlwind adventure of the most emotional proportions.

So, I'm not going to talk very long about this book because it is like THE hardest task to do so without giving away all the twisty plot points and spoiling the whole revelatory experience for the few out there who haven't read Gone Girl. Plus it has been reviewed to death here, there, and everywhere so I'm pretty certain everyone knows that it is the story of a married couple, Nick and Amy. The deal: Amy goes missing on the morning of their fifth anniversary without a trace. The police roll in and uncover a ton of dodgyness and yada yada yada...I can't tell you anymore.

My favourite bit about the novel is the shifting perspectives (I love a good perspective shift). I'm one of those people who believes the story they hear first which means that I am initially on Nick's side. But then - bombshell - Flynn switches to Amy's perspective and I'm all confused and not sure who to trust or even like. Seriously guys, emotional roller coaster here. I think it is the way Flynn plays with perspective that gives the novel pace. I was continually wanting to read on to the next chapter to see how the other person is interpreting things. But be warned: none of these characters are likable.

Is it predictable? I don't know. It may be to people who read lots of thrillers but, because I only read one or two a year, it isn't to me. The twists were all rather surprising and, I think, cleverly done. In general I really enjoyed this book, it held my attention and the story was just clever enough for it to be brilliant but not too clever that I got lost in all the twists. I do think it is a bit of a marmite book. My sister bought it and only managed about a quarter before getting bored and giving up but she lent it to my Mum who loved it and read it like lightening. I think I'm a bit between love and ambivalence. I'm going to blame that on four years of literature at uni and my inevitable need to analyse and criticise.

I would still recommend it to someone who wants a fast paced, well written thrill ride and I would recommend trying Flynn's other novels. I've read Dark Places which I think I prefer to this one (that may just be because I read it on a plane to Egypt and it is good by association). Is it Women's Prize longlist worthy? The jury's still out on that one but I will be surprised if it appears on the shortlist. I'll pass it on to my Dad now, see what he makes of it...



  1. I really enjoyed Gone Girl while I was reading it (like you, the twists were all pretty much a surprise to me), but now looking back on it.. it was good, but not like, amazing amazing amazing good.
    I did like it though! I have her other books on my read at some point list, so it's good to know that at least Dark Places isn't going to be a let down! :)

    1. I agree, it's good but my mind was not blown. Dark Places is definitely not a let down! It has an interesting twist in it that I did not see coming. I think I will plan to get to Sharp Objects eventually too, I think it will make a good holiday read.

  2. I still feel kind of cheated by this book because of ALL THE REVIEWS about it that kiiind of gave stuff away. I definitely feel like, if I'd gone into it knowing NOTHING, I would have been a lot more blown away. So because of THAT, I feel like I should give Flynn another try. WE SHALL SEE.

    1. I purposefully avoided ALL THE REVIEWS because I knew I'd end up reading one which completely gives the game away. I just went into it knowing that a LOT of people liked it. I do think it could have been better in many ways but it was not a completely disatifying reading experience. I think you should give her another try :)

  3. I was entertained while reading (you do get carried away), but my problem with these kinds of books is that I know it won't stay with me. As the time passes, there won't be much I am still carrying with me from this book. Just not the genre for me personally, but I admit the book was craftily put together.

    1. I think that's why I don't read more thriller type books. I like a book to have an impact and I like to remember books I've read. It doesn't hurt, though, to read a book purely for entertainment value every so often.

  4. I liked this crazy twisty book. I wish I hadn't know a single thing about it before I read it though. I avoided reviews but even that wasn't enough ;)

    1. It seemed like everyone (and their dog) was talking about it at one point so it doesn't surprise me that we couldn't avoid advance knowledge. Still, it didn't harm my enjoyment!


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