Monday 8 April 2013

Musing Mondays


Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
  • Describe one of your reading habits.
    • Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
    • What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it! • Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
    • Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) thatgets your ire up? Share it with us!
    • Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!
I'm currently reading...Honour/Gone Girl

I'm finally getting round to cracking on with the Women's Prize list. I'm going for a bit of a double book approach, though reading these two alongside each other is perhaps not the best idea. I'm already getting hooked on Gone Girl so I think Honour may get left behind in a cloud of dust.

Speaking of clouds of dust...I ran a half marathon yesterday. In 1 hour 54 mins and 41 seconds. Last year I did it in 2 hours 9 mins. Yeh, I got fit. And fast. For the last two months I've been swearing this will be my last, providing I manage it in under two hours. Well, actually, I think I've kind of got the bug for it now. I got to mile seven, realised I had run that in under an hour and that I still felt heck of an energetic and decided right then and there that I am a half marathon runner. For real. I mean, today is a struggle. I'm rocking a very attractive waddle and standing up is kind of a two stage process with a break half-way up BUT I feel awesome. Like, take on the world kinda awesome. And I don't even care if people (i.e the family) get fed up of me talking about it because I basically rock.

And....back to the books. So I started Honour over the weekend but in all the excitement (all my family came home to support me. There was lots of alcohol consumed.) I couldn't really settle to get into it. Enter: Gone Girl. I thought it made sense to pick up a book I know I will get hooked to and read in a couple of days instead of bumbling along barely reading Honour and not giving it the attention I want (because, let's face it, the writing is pretty lush). It has turned out to be a pretty ideal solution. I'm sure you'll know my thoughts on these soon enough.

Now, let's see how long it takes me to get off this chair...



  1. Woo, congratulations on the half-marathon record :) I envy people who enjoy running. (I can walk VERY FAST, but not run.)

    I'm tackling the Women's Prize list as well. I think Gone Girl shouldn't be read parallel to any book, it's this kind of a "gulp-at-once" story. I had some problems with this book, but it's definitely a fast and gripping read. Characters ain't too shabby either (if you are the kind of person that is into that kind of stuff, if that makes any sense). I started Life After Life myself last weekend and a copy of Honour also arrived a few days ago, so I'll be taking on that as well at some point soon. About a week ago I also finished Where'd You Go Bernadette, which I loooved. Now to only be able to punch this writing slump in the face again... But looking forwards to reading your thoughts, as usual! :)

    1. Thank you! Something definitely clicked into place during this run. I realised that I do it purely for enjoyment now and not just as exercise like I used to. Are you walking very fast or jogging very slow? They are practically the same :)

      I know, I've put aside Honour for now because I really think I need to devote time to it. I'm so excited to read Where'd You Go Bernadette and Life After Life. I'm not actually doing very well with the list so far but it's so hard to choose which one to read next, they all (well, most) look so good! I've got these two and The Innocents for now, then I'll see which one to move on to. You can do it, show your slump who's boss :) Thank you, it's always lovely reading your comments and your entire blog!

    2. I wish I could tell my brain that walking very fast is practically the same as jogging very slow :D Alas my brain is stubborn. I guess running was ruined for me personally during the physical ed lessons at school :( All I remember is "You have to run this distance!" and suffering through it and hating it.

      I'm almost done with Life After Life now, and looooove it. I'd definitely recommend reading it if you have a chance for a copy! You are right, it's hard to decide which one to take next... I think I'll go with "Wolf Hall" next, actually, so I can form an opinion on mantel and whether I want to read "Bringing Up the Bodies" at all from the longlist :)

    3. Ah, I remember those lessons well. I used to be the wobbly girl bumbling round a circuit completely out of breath and with a face like a tomato. Oh, hang on, I still am! I just run faster now :)

      I've been umming and ahhing about whether I want Life After Life in hardback or whether to wait until it's in paperback but so many people are recommending it I think I may just have to take the dive. Particularly if you recommend it. I hope you enjoy Wolf Hall. I will get to it, eventually... :)

  2. Wow, a half marathon that is amazing. Sadly if you see me running its probably because something scary is behind me. Gone Girl sounds amazing I must pick that up...or at least add it to my always growing list=)

    1. Thanks! And that is exactly how I used to be...not really sure how I turned that around. I'm definitely enjoying it so far so it might be worth adding to that list :)

  3. Congrats on the marathon. I read Gone Girl las year but gave Honor a miss. Here's my musing:

  4. Thanks! I'm really quite enjoying Gone Girl.


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