Monday 29 April 2013

Musing Mondays


Hosted by Should Be Reading

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
• Describe one of your reading habits.

• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it!
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

Sometimes you just have to have a few hours off...

Late yesterday afternoon I stepped off the train from London, went home, went to the gym and was then planning to meet a friend for the evening. Just as I had finished getting ready, put my makeup on and neatened my hair, those plans were cancelled. So there I was, all dressed up and nowhere to go with the entire evening before me. I have, to my annoyance, recently become accustomed to going to bed very late. I'm a bed-by-nine kinda girl so not going until 12/1ish has been killing me (I'm having to take extreme measures to cover the bags, no, suitcases, under my eyes). My plans were cancelled at 7.30 which left me with at least four hours to fill. Initially I thought 'brill, time to blog, to read a bit and perhaps even do some work (surely not!)'. But do you know what I did? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yep, you heard me, nothing. I lay across the end of my bed, feet resting on my radiator, stared out of my window and listened to music for over two hours. I'm not going to lie, it was bliss. 

I've still been feeling a bit 'meh' about things recently and even though I think I'm safely out of the slump, it was amazing to lay there, chill out and completely close off my mind to everything except the music. I love reading and I love being busy but I think my brain is going to thank me for the rest and will hopefully be a bit more rejuvenated from now on. It's been an odd year with so many changes, stressful moments and exciting new things happening and I think I've finally had chance to take it all in. I ended my evening with an hour of reading and even looked at my overflowing shelves with eager anticipation instead of dread. Now that's progress.

Just to keep it a bit book related, I am currently reading Amity and Sorrow and I am loving it! It is nothing like I expected, in a good way, and I am quite blown away by the subject and the writing. 

Happy Monday everyone!



  1. I totally get it...sometimes NOTHING is the best thing to do...sometimes you just need it.

    1. It really is a good way to just clear you head and start afresh. I'm pleased I did it.

  2. It's a good lesson learned. Sometimes I feel my mind gets too cluttered and need time off from intellectual/heavy-action-mind stuff. This is why I can't really read hours in a row for example. Pretty fast it starts feeling like I don't really have time to reflect even what I have been reading... How I envy people who can finish one book, start the other one right after and read hours and hours.

    For me, all things go better when they are done off pressure. Happy Monday to you too!

    1. I used to be able to read like that but I've since decided it's perhaps not even a good way to read. How could you possibly take it all in, process your thoughts and figure out your opinion when you rush into the next one?! I think I'm going to treat myself to a similar evening every few weeks. When life gets too much, do nothing :)

  3. I always need to do something else besides reading, or my eyes start to fall; what I do is watch movies, which takes me off to another direction. Listening to music sounds like a great respite....


    1. I've even gone off watching movies recently! Even that seems to require too much brain work. Music is definitely the way forward.

  4. I love the idea of doing absolutely nothing... sadly I am not built that way.. my add always has me doing something=)

    Bethany @ Bythebookful

    1. I never used to be built that way. I like to be busy but it made a really nice, welcome change :)

  5. Sometimes it does feel good to do nothing. I wish I could do more of it, but then I feel guilty. New followerd. Http://

    1. I felt guilty yesterday morning when I had to go to work and realised I'd wasted a whole evening but then I checked myself. I figure that by giving myself a break I am now more refreshed and ready to go. Thanks for commenting and following!

  6. Taking time for reflection is so underrated these days. I dare say if more people did it the world would be a calmer place.

    1. I really think it would be. We all move so fast nowadays.


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