Sunday 5 January 2014

Reading Resolutions

Well, 2013 was QUITE a year. There were changes, upheavals, bad points, low points, moments of exhaustion, moments of achievement and things that I will never forget and always be thankful for. I lost a job, walked out on another, moved to London, ran two half-marathons (technically a marathon, surely?), lost some friends, made new friends and realised the person I'm meant to be. It was a year full of stresses that I am still recovering from (I can do this) but also a year full of positivity and achievement.

There are so many New Year phrases that are slipping into cliché like, 'new year, new start' and 'this will be my year' but, honestly, screw those misery guts who moan at such clichés. I am fully embracing them both. Last year was rocky, but it paved the way for what I will achieve this year (I will get a job, I will get a job) and for that reason I am making 2014 MY year and it will be my new start. So there.

In bookish terms, 2013 was AH-MAZING. Pat yourself on the back, all you lovely people who made it extra special.
  • I read 79 books (can I get a cheer?). I actually don't know whether that is a good year in the grand scheme of my reading life because it is the first year I kept a record but I'm going to take it as a darn good year and do some excited fist-pumping.
  • I joined the Classics Club and read 16 books out of my list of 66 (more fist-pumping).
  • I took part in some amazing challenges and found new authors, new books and new genres that I loved (yep, even more fist-pumping).
  • I hosted a readalong of The Moonstone (#readWilkie) that was beyond awesome (you know the drill...fist-pumping).
Now, enough looking back. Looking forward is the way, well, um...forward.

I'm actually fairly happy with my reading habits at the moment (apart from when I end up reading too many books at once). I think I have this blog and the process of blogging to thank for that. It's possible that I read much less spontaneously nowadays (I no longer just read what takes my fancy in Oxfam or what my Mum passes on). But I don't see that as a negative thing - I think I read much more widely now than I ever have done before (obviously you lovely lot are also to thank for that).

I have always been a reader; I remember being called a bookworm and loving it even though it was said in a somewhat derogatory way. In the past year or so my love of reading has grown exponentially and I think my main resolution is to not lose that. I don't want there to be any pressure associated with reading. I don't want to feel tied to a TBR pile when there are so many brilliant new books coming out continuously (that said, I think Adam's challenge is an excellent way to rediscover lost gems that are languishing within my shelves). I'm a book collector and my TBR will be there until I want it. I want to enjoy books.

In a nutshell, 2014 is going to be beyond brilliant. I am going to read. I am going to travel. I am going to learn new things. I am going to meet new people.  I am going to beat this. And, most importantly, I am not going to worry.

Happy New Year from Milly :)

What are your reading resolutions for 2014?



  1. Considering that the average Brit supposedly reads THREE books a year then 79 is pretty amazing! Be proud of yourself!

    1. 3 books?! Goodness me! Ok, I'm feeling very proud of myself right now :)

  2. Happy New Year Ellie! You went through a lot in 2013. It's lovely to read the postive thoughts in your post. I hope you have a great 2014 with lots of lovely reads.

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Lindsay! Thank you :D

  3. My 2013 wasn't as rough (had its rough moments but overall the foundations of life were solid, let's put it that way), but I've had a few of such years in the past and although they are emotionally draining, I've found they are also very good for character. I wish you more pleasant year 2014 with lots of books and many artsy moments, Ellie! Hugs!

    1. That's what I always say to myself - it's character building! Thank you, Riv and I wish the same to you!

  4. I love the positivity in this post, it sounds like you ended a bit of a stressful year on a high note :)
    And awesome progress on your classics club list, I've not read much more than you and I'm well into my 2nd year!
    Have a great bookish 2014 :)

    1. I definitely try to be a glass half full person, though I can't always manage it. Thank you and you too!

  5. I love the optimism a new year brings! And I love the sentiments you express here so much: keeping a love of reading, not feeling any pressure, not feeling tied to your TBR pile, and just enjoying books -- I want all the same things so very much. I am a book collector as well, but for me, I really do want to cut back this year! I do want to read more of the books I already own, but that is mainly because I look at them and remember how excited I was when I got each one and it makes me want to read them all at once! If only there were more hours in the day :)

    1. Thank you, Christine. I say I'll cut back every year but I have yet to manage that! More hours in the day would be wonderful.

  6. Good for you! Sounds like a great way to start the year. Yes, collecting and reading books is such a lovely endeavour, isn't it? It's such a satisfying was of alleviating life's stresses. All the best for 2014 :)

    1. Thank you, Trish. It really is the perfect way to alleviate life stresses - bibliotherapy! Happy 2014 to you too :)


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