Monday 13 January 2014

Bout of Books: Wrap-Up

Right from the beginning I had planned for this Bout of Books to be a relaxed one. I made a few goals but they were fairly flexible and unspecific. The general plan was just to make more time for reading. For the first four days I definitely succeeded in this aim. I was helped along by the cold weather as I ended up cosied up in bed with my book unusually early just to get warm (I was not complaining). I read as usual on my commute (though it's only 30 minutes) and on my lunchbreak. 

Then I hit much as I wanted to be reading, life just got in the way. My Dad was in London on Friday night and then it was my brother's birthday at the weekend so we had him and his girlfriend round for Saturday night. I also had a friend round for the weekend (busy flat) and we spent hours on Saturday in the Science Museum (they have a flight simulator which is actually the best thing ever). Then yesterday was spent snuggled up on the sofa attempting to get over my hangover. We watched movies (Star Trek and Ghostbusters) and then finished the day with a huge roast. Safe to say, I didn't make it to Sherlock time.

Even if I missed the second half of the week a little, Bout of Books 9.0 was another brilliant week. I visited some new blogs, shared the bookish enthusiasm and had a rip-roaring good time in general. Amazing.

Books finished: 2 - The Lie and It's In the Box

Books read from: The Lie, It's In the Box, The Assassin's Mark, Z

Although I didn't quite finish the books I had intended, I made good progress with all of them and I suspect I'll finish both The Assassin's Mark and Z this week. I'm loving everything I'm reading at the moment and long may it continue.

How was your Bout of Books? Did you achieve your goals?



  1. Congratulations! Sounds like you head a great first half of the week winning at books, and a great SECOND half of the week winning at LIFE. (Though the actual hangover part of having a hangover sucks, oops.) I think maybe my sister and I are coming down to London sometime in February, possibly, so I'll have add the Science Museum to mental 'if we have time' list. :)

    1. You head a great first half of the week? There was also meant to be a 'my' in that last sentence there. *facepalm* You know what I don't win at? SPELL CHECKING BEFORE I HIT PUBLISH! (I just wrote 'Spell chicking' there but fortunately I saw it this time...)

  2. Sometimes *real* life just has to come first -- the books will always be there! 2 books in one week is still a major success if you ask me -- I rarely can read more than one a week (if that!) despite my desire to read all the time.

  3. I think you did excellent, I wanted to see how much it's possible to read if you hardly do anything else besides work, but to be honest, by the end I started missing other things in life... So winning in life is very good!

  4. Great job! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Z...I've had my eye on that one for a while now.


  5. Your weekend sounds fun even if you didn't get as much reading done as you had hoped.
    I loved Z - hope you're enjoying it too.

  6. I managed to read the allotted number of pages I was shooting for, and that was only possible because I actually set myself a doable goal. I'm really bad at that, generally. lol Glad you got some good reading done even if you didn't have as much time as you expected in the latter half of the week.


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