Thursday 9 January 2014

Bout of Books: Wednesday

Wednesday was a very uneventful day. I went to work, went to the gym (not a great experience given the influx of resolution-runners), did some tinkering on the old blog (CSS/HTML confuse the actual hell out of me), read a little and then conked out.

I'm really enjoying Z so far (I'm about 100 pages in). There are some really fascinating insights into their relationship and I'm interested to see how it continues. I have read bits of Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda (a collection of their letters) and Zelda's Save Me the Waltz so various elements are quite familiar. I think Fowler has done such a brilliant job of making Scott and Zelda such energetic and authentic characters. No doubt I'll have a ton of thoughts when I've finished!

Number of pages read: 120

Number of books finished so far:
Books read from: Z by Therese Anne Fowler, The Assassin's Mark by David Ebsworth



  1. Seeing all you people celebrating Jazz Age January makes me want to pick up The Beautiful and Damned from the bookshelf (got it from book sale... let's not discuss that any further...) Or I also have Tender is the Night that asks to be read.

    My book count's also on 2 now, so yay! (Or maybe by now you have already finished new books!)

  2. It's just so tempting! I love the Jazz Age and I'm really enjoying reading more about it.

    High five! I'm still on two but would love to get to 3 because technically one of mine was really short.

  3. Ooh, I have Z on my TBR. I only picked it up because it was on a Waterstones deal, but now I'm really looking forward to reading it :)

  4. I'm definitely intrigued by Z, but since I haven't read any Fitzgerald yet, or that 'biography of the twenties' on my wishlist, OR even watched Midnight in Paris (yes, tenuous link, shut up), I figured I'd better wait a while. Damn you, epic 'books to read first' list. :P


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