Tuesday 7 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Monday

Well, Monday was actually the worst day ever (exaggerating slightly but go with me). It started when I woke up at 4am in a cold sweat, tangled in my duvet and absolutely terrified of whatever was trying to eat me in my dreams (I have my suspicions that they were triffid-like beasts. I distinctly remember tentacles). I got myself back off to the land of nod and then managed to drag myself out of bed at 6.30am for work. It was raining. Really hard. And there were gale-force winds (not conducive to umbrellas). My journey to the tube was damp, to say the least. Apparently my shoes have holes in. I'm on the tube, reading Helen Dunmore's The Lie, happy as Larry when they announce that my tube station for work is closed due to a 'person under the train'. Not the most upbeat way to start a Monday. Work was not much better (I was forced to show my angry face), but enough moaning, books are better than moaning.

Pages read: around 40 pages and 35% kindle

Number of books finished: 0
Time spent reading: 2 hours (ish)
Books read from: The Assassin's Mark and The Lie

It's safe to say that my day got considerably better once I'd stepped out of work and even better again when I climbed into bed with my hot water bottle and book. I do love cold and miserable winter nights.

How was your Monday?



  1. Maybe you didn't have the sunshine'iest of the mornings, but it sure sounds wonderfully literary, especially the "person under the train". I hope Tuesday is going well for you! :)

    1. Haha, literary is right. Positively a modern day Dickens novel going on here!

  2. Aww. I hope you have a better rest of the week. I would be bugged if my station was ever closed and that took me longer to get to my destination. Glad that your books are going great! Hope you make a good dent in that pile!

    1. It's amazing how much you end up relying on your one station. Thank you!

  3. OH MAN, I JUST WROTE A COMMENT AND BLOGGER ATE IT. Or maybe it was a triffid. Yeah, probably that. *chuckles ominously* The weather sucks. I haven't been outside in a few days and quite frankly I'm considering hibernating until March. :)

    1. Triffids! There's a triffid?! *looks surreptitiously around*. I think hibernating is the perfect plan. Books, tea, movies....


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