Wednesday 3 July 2013

Classics Spin #2: The Results

I am a little late on this one but...better late than never.

Back in May I decided to join in on the second Classics Club spin after thoroughly enjoying the first. We were challenged to read #6 on our spin list and I ended up with Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. If anyone follows my obsessive ramblings on twitter you may know my initial reaction to the selection was one of horror and generally quite 'oh my god'. Since that initial freak out I was somewhat hounded by various bloggers WHOM I SHALL NOT NAME. I was promised that it is a brilliant read and so far I have not been disappointed.

So, did I finish it? The answer is no (to be fair I only started it halfway through June). But I'm not giving up because I am loving it. I am so thankful that it was my spin choice because it is one of those intimidating novels that I have been putting off and putting off. Being challenged to read it has been the best encouragement and quite a kick up the backside.

I'm not going to go on about my thoughts on the novel because they may change as I read. Suffice to say, at the moment I'm loving it and am reading it every chance I get. Unfortunately, I don't have much chance at the moment but I'm whipping it out on the tube every morning and evening so that's like twenty minutes of reading a day...



  1. You CARRY Anna Karenina around with you?! Damn you must have a strong back!

    *looks shiftily around re: the bloggers hounding you* God, that must have been SO ANNOYING! ;)

    Did the move go welllll?

    1. Dude, I am a fricking god. (But mostly I just work out a lot so, yeh, I'm a bit strong).

      You should look shifty. I'm pointing at you as the main culprit. But, I was thankful for the pressure because it made it easier to read. oddly.

      The move went very well, thank you!

  2. I love reading posts like these, because they quietly push intimidating books up MY mental TBR pile and I'm rarely disappointed. Thanks fellow Ellie! *hoists AK up the mountain a little way then skips back up to the summit to return to her current read*

    1. I'm so pleased you've moved it up mount TBR. It will definitely be worth it. I was so scared to read it but I really am loving it. Even if it is taking me quite some time to get through...

  3. Bloggers are so pressurey! (I just made up that word, lol) Good luck with AK Ellie! I loved it, but it's been a zillion years since I read it.

    1. They totally are. I do secretly love it though :) Thanks, I can see myself returning to it in like twenty years or something.


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