Saturday 29 June 2013

Well I guess that was June then

I'm in the middle of an EMOTIONAL weekend. Yesterday was my last day at work which was very sad because I loved that job. The owners of the business took me back so readily after I was made redundant (I worked here before the theatre) and I think that is the nicest thing.  I was showered with presents (Charlotte, my lovely colleague, got me a Waterstones voucher because 'I know you love books'. Yeh, that provoked the feels) and good wishes and hugs from everyone and I am still quite overwhelmed. Then tonight is my leaving party with my girls and the boy. I can only imagine the state of me when the alcohol is a-flowing. So thinking about the fact that I am leaving my home town and moving to the big city on Monday is threatening to push me over the edge and smother me with feels. But I am nothing if not British and my stiff upper lip is working overtime.

June has been good. Busy, but good. I have been to America and London, started my new job, got a new reviewing job and been offered freelance writing work by my (ex-)employers. I am going to be a busy bee but I function better that way.

So, to the books. I have had quite the successful reading month because of my holiday, reading a total of 6 (and a half) books:

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

Ignorance by Michele Roberts
Where D'You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
The Cleaner of Chartres by Salley Vickers
The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (half of it, anyway)

I am still behind on reviewing these but they're coming, don't fret. I have many MANY thoughts. I have read some stonkers this month and I am still thoroughly enjoying AK. I have a weird crush on Levin but I have a suspicion that change somewhat in the course of the rest of the book. So far I'm just imagining this fit Russian farmer joining his peasants, doing the mowing, getting all sweaty and slowly removing his layers of Russian clothing...AHEM. Well, that's sounding altogether too Lawrencian for my tastes. Let's move on.

On Monday, July 1st I am packing my life into a van and hitting the motorway to move to London. Monday is also my birthday (I've reached the big 23) so it will be an interesting day. Birthday's have never meant much to me but I think this one may be quite memorable. I've got a whole evening planned for when we finally get there. My brother, his girlfriend and housemate will come across from Essex, I'll be with my sister and our housemate and my boyfriend will come up from Taunton. I'm thinking takeaway and cider. Healthy, as always.

I have a question for you all, particularly for Wilkie lovers out there. I have a couple of Wilkie novels on my Classics Club list (The Moonstone and No Name) and I have been considering organising a readalong. Any thoughts? Some of you have already expressed an interest but if anyone had any ideas of which book to choose then please let me know. I'm thinking it wouldn't run until autumn/winter because I think his novels match the stormy days and dark evenings rather well. Anyway, just talk to me people.

I hope June has treated everyone well. How has your reading gone? Let's see how the second half of the year pans out for us all. 

Who doesn't love a blogger picture?


  1. Wow, your move has come around quickly, how exciting!
    And the fact that you are going to be 23 makes me feel old, on my next birthday I will be 28 :(

    I agree with you that Levin is the most interesting character in Anna K, too.

  2. Hey, all this emotional stuff only means there are many people who care about you, and that's a good thing! I wish you good luck with the move and no doubt London will be awesome.

    I've had a super busy month too and I've finished only 1 book... (almost 3 actually but not sure I'm gonna make it with the other two). So you have been doing very well reading all this pile :D

    I'd definitely join for Moonstone read event, because it's in my classics list, but many people have probably read this one so you might want to pick something else.

  3. Duuuuude, it is totally normal to have a crush on Levin because he is THE BEST. I love him so. And lookit you doing Big Life Things (on your birthday, no less!) Very exciting stuff.

  4. You have so many exciting things going on! I hope everything goes smoothly for you :) Yay for an excellent June, I hope July is just as great :)

  5. Good luck in your new endeavors! I'm impressed with how much you've read. Especially with all of the things going on. Thinking of you as the move gets underway!

  6. Hope your move goes really well Ellie. And it sounds like you've got some great work stuff going on too. Happy birthday!

  7. How was Life after Life for you? I still want to read that


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