Monday 24 June 2013

Austen in August Event

AustenInAugustRBR-ButtonAdam at Roof Beam Reader is hosting an Austen event in August. Excited much? Indeed.

Since this Classics Club question I have been thinking it's high time I reacquainted myself with the lovely Jane and what better time than August. With a load of other lovely people.

I'm not giving myself a huge challenge as I'm only really planning to read one novel, Sense and Sensibility. But (and this is a big but), I may treat myself to a cheeky re-read of Persuasion (oh Captain Wentworth *sigh*). S&S is the priority though and I am really looking forward to getting stuck in. I loved the film (and no, not just because Alan Rickman is in it) and I do love being able to put a film to a book if I've not read it first.

I think Austen is perfect summer reading material. Hello weekends sat in the park with the sun on my back, the grass between my toes and an ice-cold beverage in my hands...who am I kidding, I live in England.

Who else is joining in? It's going to be a goodun!



  1. No more challenges for this girl but man am I tempted by this one! It's been much too long since I read an Austen. :) Have fun with it Ellie!

    1. I'm keeping it a very relaxed challenge with just the one book. I'm not sure my head could take any more! Thanks :)

  2. Have you read S&S before? I read it for the first time recently and loved it. I still have 3 new to me Austens to go, so I might consider this event....

    1. I've not, this will be the first time. I know it's very highly regarded so I am really looking forward to it. Join in! :)

  3. I'll be joining with the one Austen book left in my CC list, Mansfield Park. (Maybe I shouldn't mention that I only listed two, the other one being Persuasion, which so far is the only Austen novel I have read...)

    But August sounds perfect because I will be off from work for whole three weeks!

    1. What perfect timing for you!

      Persuasion is still the best I think and I've read a few Austen novels now. Although when I consider it, I've not read that many. I've not read Mansfield Park so I look forward to your thoughts on that :)

  4. I'm thinking seriously of buying myself a pretty Penguin English Classics edition of Northanger Abbey since it's been (ugly edition) on my stacks for FAR too long. This event will help motivate me.

    1. The PEC edition is so pretty! I've got a really old Penguin version of Northanger Abbey which I love and I have an even older red leather bound edition of S&S which is just beautiful. I will share. Events are so good for motivation!

  5. I'm joining in as well, somehow I completely missed it last year! I plan to re-reading Mansfield Park.

    1. I've not read Mansfield Park so I am looking forward to reading peoples thoughts.


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