Thursday 21 March 2013

Some recent aquisitions and exciting news.

I know, I know, I've done it again. I give up on the whole book buying ban, it is clearly an impossible task for one such as myself, that is, a total lit nerd.

Save Me the Waltz by Zelda Fitzgerald
Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
The Perils of Certain English Prisoners by Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens

How amazing does the Wilkie/Charles one sound? I love it when those two collaborate, it's like a marriage made in literary heaven and the result is a very literary love child. Their Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices was brilliant so I really didn't hesitate to pick this one up. The chapters are alternately written by Wilkie then Dickens and it is a particularly ripe subject matter so I'm thinking this one will be brill. Just got to try and get round to reading it now...

The other three are pretty self-explanatory really. They are all on my classics club list and since reading A Moveable Feast I am dying to pretty much devour anything by the Fitzgeralds/Hemingway/Pound/Ford. I don't even like Ezra Pound and I feel like reading him again. Damn you, Hemingway.

I will stop buying books eventually, I promise.

On to the exciting news. I'm sure a fair number of you are aware that Becca over at Lost in Books is holding a Women's Lit Event this month to celebrate Women's History Month. I'm also pretty sure that anyone who has read a couple of my posts would find it hard to deny that I general feel the lady love when it comes to literature. Women's History Month and this event are really my cup of tea so I jumped at the chance to sign up to do a guest post. On the 25th March my post will be going live over on Lost in Books. It's all about fiction from the Edwardian period, specifically fiction written by the su...-who-now? I'm not telling you. Such a tease.

There have already been some brilliant posts for the event on Becca's blog which are definitely worth checking out if you are a fan of the laydees.



  1. WILKIE! Sorry...

    I have had Save Me The Waltz for the longest time, I'm soooo going to let you read it first and then I'll decide if I will or not haha. But I have that same edition and everything! Yay!

    1. I may just have to start a Wilkie fanclub. We could have t-shirts and everything.

      No pressure then!

  2. I had been doing well on my ban and caved today! I recently bought a copy of The Razor's Edge but haven't read it (which is why I shouldn't be buying books...)

    1. We all need to cave occasionally. I do perhaps do it a little too frequently. My copy is sat there looking at me expectantly. I'll get to it sooner or later. I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it!


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