Friday 15 March 2013

Some book porn (steady on) and my new reading set-up

To anyone who asks me, I will unabashedly admit that I am a bookshelf porn addict. Although I have always been aware of my penchant for the dust covers, yellowing pages, and undulating spines of a well-stocked, alphabetised bookshelf, it has recently been brought to my attention that perhaps my penchant is not quite so whimsical as it seems. The length of time I'm spending in bookshops alone attests to that and that is before I even get started on the library. It's a hard life being addicted to books.

When I last alphabetised my shelves I pulled out a few of the most beautiful books I own. All of these books I have in other versions and the only reason I bought these is because they are SO DARN PRETTY. Plus I've always had a bit of a love affair going on with Woolf and Sayers, so I thought why not just advertise that? Share the lady love, girl power, etc etc. Anyway, these are all on display on a trunk my sister bought me (yes, it's like Haz Poz and yes, it is covered in many reasons to have a geek moment).

All Quiet on the Western Front, Strong Poison, The Tree of Heaven, Holmes and Watson A Miscellany, To the Lighthouse

Most amazing book ever no. 1:

Most amazing book ever no.2:

This one and All Quiet are Folio Society editions that I found second hand (without their covers). They are illustrated and woven and so so very beautiful. Fun fact: I have this exact lighthouse tattooed on my back.

I going to stop spreading the literary porn bug now and show you my new reading corner. It's nothing special. I've just put a couple of chairs (not terribly comfy ones mind) between my trunk and desk, angled a lamp and put a heater smack bang in front of where I'll sit (my chills frequently multiply in this house).  I WILL have myself a library one day but, for now, this will have to do. I'm sat there right now, toasting my toes.

Anyone else have some totally porn-worthy books on display?



  1. I have taught you well dear filthton ;)

  2. Loooooooove the typewriter cushion! I don't really have any books on display, but that's mainly because I don't have much space and only half a bedroom to myself... But ONE DAY my Clothbound Classics will have their day in the sun (only, not actually in the sun because that might fade them...)

    1. I only have the space because I stole my brother's bedroom when he moved out. It's still a sore subject for him because my sister's room hasn't been touched. But when I was doing my MA I obviously needed a study and then when I finished my MA I obviously needed a room for my books, so, essentially, it was win win for me and lose lose for my brother (who now has to sleep on an air bed). Oops. Clothbound Classics cannot be hidden away, they are far too beautiful. They deserve a nice shady spot somewhere!


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