Friday 31 July 2015

Be Active in August

Those of you who have been listening to me warble on for a while may remember that back in December I set myself a 25 Days of Fitness challenge. The crux of the challenge was, as I'm sure you can imagine, to work out for the 25 days running up to and including Christmas day. I nailed it, as you can see here.

This year has brought a number of huge changes to my lifestyle. The most difficult being a change from regular 9-5 work to shift work. I thought shifts would be good for me in terms of shaking up my very rigid routines, but it's not quite worked out as I hoped. So before it had a severe impact on my lifestyle and well being I started the job hunt again and at the end of August I'll be starting a new role with regular hours (excitement levels are through the roof, guys). As preparation for this change and to get me in the frame of mind to set new, healthy routines, I'm going to be rejuvenating the 25 Days of Fitness challenge for August.

Starting on Saturday 1st and ending on Monday 31st August I'll be aiming to be active every day. Whether that's a run, a gym session, yoga, a long walk or something different - maybe I'll go climbing again or try something entirely new.

This isn't a weight loss thing - though I can't deny that would be welcome - it's more about finding that activity sweet spot and working out what level, frequency and intensity of activity I need to keep me feeling good.

I know so well what a positive impact being active has on my well being, but I so often chose to ignore it. If I'm not ignoring it, I'm guilty of prioritising other things which I think make me feel good, but which in reality are only short term boosts. It's about time to put a stop to that habit and I this is the perfect time to do it - it's summer, there's change coming, and I've got things to look forward to socially and personally. Let's see, shall we?!

As before I'll be sharing my progress on twitter and instagram so fellow alliteration lovers can follow my progress via #activeaugust. If you're active in August be sure to tag me or use the hashtag!


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