Sunday 22 February 2015

Things That Made Me Happy This Week #15

Spring is coming and I got photobombed by a beaut.

1// Short History of Diaries by Alexandra Johnson I dipped my toe into the non-fiction pool this week with this book. At only 100 pages it packs a lot in and I found it fascinating to learn just how important diaries and journals are in the lives of so many people.

2// Running in the rain There's something so refreshing about it.

3// Lighter evenings Now it's lighter in the evenings I can go back to my pre-winter running routes through the local parks. I don't mind running around the roads because there's always something new to see, but sometimes dodging people gets a little much.

4// Teacakes At the end of a bad day a teacake can do wonders.

5// Live music On Friday my sister and I went to The Forum in Kentish Town to see the Kerrang Tour. We had a great night seeing some amazing bands (Don Broco and Young Guns are two of my faves) and it reminded me of just how much I love to hear live music. Even if I don't know the band/singer/group, that feeling of the bass vibrating up through my feet is unbeatable.

What has made you happy this week?



  1. So many good things! I need more teacakes in my life.

  2. HOW IS IT THAT TIME OF THE WEEK AGAIN ALREADY? In other news, I really want to read that diary book, and TEACAKES ARE SO NIIIICE. My happy times this week have mostly involved binge-watching Frasier from the beginning, something I've never done despite having loved every episode I've ever seen. I just finished season 2 and I'm in love. I'm having lots of luck with box sets recently, they've all been so good! :)

  3. Oh my gosh, teacakes! I haven't had one in the longest time but a few years ago I always had to have some in the house! xo


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