Friday 13 February 2015

Friday Reads

I realised this week that there are a huge amount of books, articles, magazines and blogs that I'm reading and (shamefully) not sharing with you. From now on Fridays will be a day for spreading a little bit of reading cheer and maybe giving you some inspiration for the weekend.

On the novel front this week I've had two books on the go. I'm reading War and Peace as a read along although that sucker is just too hefty to lug into central London everyday for work so I've been saving that for chilly evenings curled up in my bed with a hot water bottle. It does not get better than that.

My handbag/back friendly choice is Lucy Ribchester's The HourglassFactory. Now y'all know I love a suffragette, so I couldn't resist when I heard about this new release on twitter and then saw it in all its glory on the shelf in Tesco (of all places). I'm actually struggling to get into it a little and I think that's due purely to outside forces distracting me. It has promise and I can feel it warming up to something big at the moment so I'm sure it'll pick up soon.

Otherwise around the web I have enjoyed this article about alternative histories and these tips from F Scott Fitzgerald for budgeting on the Guardian.

Bustle do such good lists and I particularly loved 12 Literary Heroines' Takes on Valentine's Day. Also on Bustle is this review of Etta and Otto and Russell and James which contains fewer Shrek references than mine, but really hits the nail on the head.

As ever I've been enjoying Tolstoy Therapy this week, even more so now I'm actually reading the novel that started it all for Lucy (War and Peace). I've also spent a lot of time perusing The Book Journal and being blown away by such beautiful photographs. 

Lately I've been really interested by minimalism and Into Mind has such a lot of useable tips and tricks for a more minimal life and wardrobe.

What are you currently reading?

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  1. I read that article on alternative histories over my lunch yesterday and have plenty of new additions to my wish list as a result, especially the Philip Dick novel that sounds brilliant!

    I went with a kindle copy for the War and Peace read-along - I do not want a whole bunch of series of ruined handbags/limbs when the we're done! How are you finding it incidentally? I'm still enjoying it, although I find the military bits a bit less easy to pay attention to...

  2. Oooh, I've bookmarked Into Mind - I love minimalist websites and the inspiration they give me to sort my crap out. Miss Minimalist used to write fantastic pieces - last time I checked she was rarely posting any more, but all her archive was still there for the perusing.

    I've finally fallen back into reading this week, which is nice. I've had the house to myself so I've decamped down onto the comfy sofa in the living room with a blanket, it's been great for my concentration. I finished Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk (which was bad but I wanted to finish it to find out what happened!) and moved on to Thirteen Reasons Why (I just picked something from 'A' on my bookshelf, hehe). I'm taking some library books back, which takes the pressure off, so next up will be my mum's copy of Cross Stitch and one of my last few non-fic library books. I'm also still reading The Pickwick Papers, and a book of Charlie Brooker's columns. Plus I'm binge-watching Community (Team Abed!) and Frasier (Team Niles!) and carrying on with those online jigsaws. :D

    Happy reading for another week! xx

  3. Ooh, this is a fun new feature! The Alternative History article is really interesting and I'm about to add a lot of new books to my wishlist, so I'll blame you for that :p

  4. Thanks! Haha, blame away :D It did the same for me, I love books that twist history.

  5. It's such a aesthetically appealing website too. I'll have to check out Miss Minimalist - you can never have too much minimal inspiration!

    That sounds like such a delightful set up and it's lovely to hear you're finding happiness in reading again. I've stopped getting books from the library for the moment as I find the pressure too much. I always seem to actively not read library books because I feel like I have to. Ah, such a rebel ;)

    Three cheers for binge-watching! I'm all over Scandal at the moment and I have a few episodes of Broadchurch to catch up on. It's the perfect way to spend chilly evenings - hot water bottle, blanket, and a sneaky chocolate treat.

    Happy reading to you too lovely! xx

  6. Right?! You shouldn't look at a pile of library books and think, "Aw, maaaaan, do I have to?!" So I've separated out anything that makes me feel that way (or things that on balance I'd rather just buy because they're likely to take ages or I might want to highlight things) to take back today, and just kept a couple that I AM actually excited to read in the next week or two. Once everything's gone back I'll leave the library alone for a little while, I think, until I've read a few more of my own at least!


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