Monday 2 June 2014

June Reading

I'm just going to go ahead and warn you now before you read any further that this post contains uncontainable enthusiasm. Fairly standard behaviour really, but I thought a head's up may be handy.

Why the enthusiasm for June, I hear you say? Well, in the Classic Club Twelve Months of Classic Literature, June is WW1/Lost Generation/Modernism month. In a word, this genre/period is my jam. As I've just finished Woolf's Jacob's Room (which is both modernist and WW1), I'm not going to be aiming to read another modernist novel. Instead I'm going to read some poetry, a novel/autobiography and a work of non-fiction. Let's see how I get on with that! As it is my month I'm going to fully throw myself into the topic and I already have a few other posts brewing in the old noggin. 

June is also host to Angela Carter Week from 8th-15th over at Beauty is a Sleeping Cat and Postcards from Asia. I have loved Angela Carter since I first discovered her at uni (we studied The Bloody Chamber). I've read a couple of other things by her but Nights at the Circus has been on my TBR for several years now (it's actually on my TBR Pile Challenge list), so it's about time I cracked on with it.

June is going to be brilliant. With a reading line up like this, I can see myself having a truly great bookish month. Alongside all the reading, I have a lot to look forward to in general. It's my best friend's birthday at the beginning of the month and I think we're actually taking a weekend away (so much excitement for this). Then it's my sister's birthday at the end of the month and my parents thirtieth wedding anniversary. I think there will be a lot of celebrating! On top of all that, I've booked myself tickets to see a few plays and the new flagship opens on Charing Cross Road. Seriously, this month could not get any better.

The goals...
  • Enjoy the Classics Club month of WW1 literature
  • Read Nights at the Circus for Angela Carter week
  • Have a smashing month full of smashing things
Happy June, everyone! Are you joining in with WW1/Modernist reading this month?



  1. Sounds like a really great month for you -- bookish & otherwise :)

  2. When I saw that Classics Club post I immediately thought of you! Looks like a superb month ahead for you Ellie and I wish you lotsa sunshine (or rainfalls, whichever you prefer).

  3. I have a few options for the Classics Club topic this month too...just not sure how I'm going to fit it all in.
    Glad to see you'll be joining in Angela Carter week too :-)

  4. Thanks a lot for joining and the link.
    I'm looking forward to read your thoughts on Nights at the Circus.

  5. I hope you enjoy Nights at the Circus. It's one of my favorite books. Looking forward to reading your review of it.


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