Monday 9 June 2014

Last Week in Books: Spreading the Enthusiasm

I almost titled this post 'It's Contagious!', but, you know, that's just a little odd and perhaps too much information. It does apply though, because this week I realised that my bookish enthusiasm is spreading. Duh duh duuuuuhhhh.

Over a year ago now, my sister and I attended World Book Night at the Southbank Centre and I happily reported that it had done something to change my sister's attitude towards reading. Basically she realised that reading is the most awesomest activity out there. We went book shopping a couple of times after that epiphany, but her enthusiasm waned when Netflix came on the scene. I've been trying to cajole her into reading again by wafting amazing books under her nose until, in April, she finally cracked and began reading the first of Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking trilogy. Let's just say we were on to a winner.

In our recent trip to Amsterdam we did a whole lot of bookshop browsing. Mostly I browsed and my sister came a long for the ride. Distaster struck when she finished The Knife of Never Letting Go on the penultimate day of our trip. I could not let that go on. The thought of her not having some aeroplane reading stressed me out so much (perhaps more than it should have) that I dragged her to yet another bookshop with a good selection of English books to rectify the situation. We left that bookshop with a stack load of books for me and one book for my sister (The Rosie Project). She also left with a phone full of pictures of all the books that she wants to read - a photographic TBR, if you will.

Since returning from Amsterdam Liv has bought all those books she took pictures of (except perhaps one, I think). The most exciting thing for me is that she went out and bought those books without my persuasive techniques. She went into a bookshop by herself and all I got was a measly snapchat (ok, she did buy me one too). And without further ado, here they all are:

Let's not beat around the bush here, we all know I'll be reading these too (the one's I've not read already, at least).

What do you think of her selections? Have you ever managed to spread the bookish enthusiasm?



  1. Very cool! My little brother had been off reading for a reallllly long time -- basically as a kid he hooked me on Harry Potter, then jumped ship 50 pages into the 5th book and never picked up a book for leisure for years and years afterwards. Last year, he started reading again and I was so happy! He goes in and out of it now, but I'm really glad he hasn't completely given up on it. I hope you and your sister can trade recommendations for years to come now :)

  2. Good job spreading the book love! I hope your sister will enjoy her new books and that you can swap books in the future. I recently talked two of my coworkers into getting a library card and feel quite accomplished. (And I plan on making sure that they will actually visit the library and get some books there too...)

  3. A friend of mine didn't read much until he noticed a book on my Blog so bought a Kindle as he doesn't like too much of the hard stuff (and can't wait for anything to be delivered through the post). After he read that he started downloading other stuff (Fantasy mainly) then I got him into a hard-core vampire series.... My ambition is to get him reading non-fiction. That's definitely the challenge!

  4. I hope she's since finished the Chaos Walking trilogy! That last book is a doozy. Good for you for spreading the reading love! The most luck I've had has been with my younger students. :)

  5. I've just posted a book review @ my place I think you'd like: What Matters in Jane Austen? by John Mullan.

  6. I loved The Dinner so much! It was a fascinating read for me, in terms of society and parental roles. And personal responsibility. I think I have The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year, I have to check. Right about now it doesn't sound like a bad idea! ;)

  7. How fun!! My little sister doesn't read much, but any time she's even slightly interested in a book, I go and get it for her right away. It's too exciting.

    The Humans is a GREAT choice. And I've heard really great things about The Dinner. I hope she enjoys!


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