Monday 21 October 2013

At the moment I am...

Reading...Havisham by Ronald Frame. I was happily and somewhat guiltily perusing the kindle store on friday night when I came across Havisham at a bargain price. I've talked about this before and I know I've left excitable comments on several other blogs whenever this book is mentioned so I couldn't really resist. Plus it seems to have been exactly what I needed to get through a mini slump. Always a winner.

Writing...lots of reviews! I've gotten so behind recently and I'm trying to get back on track.

Listening to...Panic at the Disco's new album. Repeatedly. It's different but I love it.

Looking forward to...this week. My sister and I have both got the week off work so we have planned a brilliant itinery of london things to do. And we're heading back to Somerset at the weekend. It's going to be a goodun.

Hankering for...a really good run. No doubt this will happen at the weekend when I'm reunited with my running partner (my mother)! 

What are your plans for this week? Reading anything good at the moment?



  1. I'll be interested in your comments on Havisham. I think I was as excited about it as anyone (given my blog name and all), but the writing just didn't blow my skirt up and I've laid it aside for now. Poo. :(

    1. It is written in a very ummm, shall we say interesting, way. It really wasn't what I expected but once I'd gotten past that initial aversion to it, I really enjoyed it.

  2. I have big plans for this week - make my pet cat well :p (Srsly I'm sooooo tired!)
    But I'm reading a very good book, Dracula. I'm glad you are having a super exciting week! :)

    1. I hope she is feeling better! It's rubbish when pets are unwell :(
      I've always wanted to read Dracula. In fact, I'm tempted to add it to my CC list.

  3. Dude, I reheaaaaaally want to get stuck in and write some of the reviews I'm owing. I feel like I need a weekend or something (not that I get weekends) to just DO IT. Get stuck in, at least start things off so it feels less daunting when I come back to each one later to carry on. DAMN YOU, OMINOUSLY EMPTY REVIEW TEMPLATES. :(

    1. I have just tried to write some (week off and all) but realised that I have the shoddiest memory in the history of the world. I really should start making more comprehensive notes when I read...major fail. Stupid empty templates. I'm sending you all the best positive vibes for your review writing endeavors. It may help. :)


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