Friday 2 May 2014

May Reading

I've been looking forward to May coming for a long time. Since Christmas, in fact, when my sister presented me with plane tickets to Amsterdam for the 5th May. I've been waiting and waiting for this weekend to come around so I can actually pack and get ready without it being weirdly over-prepared. Now it's here, and I've spent the last hour or so assembling my various bits and bobs and, most importantly, taking a preliminary look through my kindle to see what I can read (priorities). We have a coach trip to Bruges (definitely more excited to go there since watching The Monuments Men) on the Wednesday so I'm thinking I'll need some reading material for the times I'm not staring out of the window taking it all in.

I'm keeping my reading goals relaxed for May after a couple of bumper months. Oddly, it's mostly non-fiction that is really grabbing me at the moment so I suspect I'll crack on with another couple this month. I'm thinking Inconvenient People by Sarah Wise and The Fateful Year: England 1914 by Mark Bostridge. One fulfills my love of Wilkie-esque Victorian madness and the other, my obsession with World War One. Otherwise I have a couple of blog tour books to read (at least one is war related - I think this blog should be called War Nerd), and I'd like to tackle a classics club read.

Reading Goals...

  • Knock a book or two off my kindle to read pile
  • Keep up with the non-fiction reading
  • Start re-reading The Diary of Anne Frank (it only seems right if I'm going to Amsterdam)
What are you looking forward to in May? Any recommendations for Amsterdam (bookshops?!)?



  1. I think Anne Frank's a good choice (ALWAYS a good choice) and I can't wait to hear what you think of Inconvenient People... it's been on my wishlist for a long time, but it's never quite been the right moment to buy it and start reading. And OH ELLIE BRUGES IS SO BEAUTIFUL. It is literally the most jaw-droppingly lovely little city, all beautiful buildings and gorgeous churches and bicycles and canals. And chocolate shops, obviously. And the best steak and fries I've ever had. :)

  2. Reading options are ALWAYS a priority for me when travelling! I usually read print though so I have to be very selective about what is going to take up room in the suitcase :) Enjoy your trip!

  3. Ooooooh, I love Amsterdam. Just stay on the main streets and away from the dark alleys and crack dens because we stumbled across some people smoking what totally seemed like heroin on our first night there and it almost made us run away... (this sounds much more dramatic than it actually was, but it was scary!)

    I don't know about bookshops there because I went when I was 13 and didn't get a say in such things, but the Van Gogh Museum is AWESOME (if you're into such things) and obviously you have to see Anne Frank's house and also, just, like wander and see everything and don't smoke weed? (Or do. It is Amsterdam, after all).

    Basically- have an awesome time and tell your sister she does very good presents!

  4. Have you considered "Amsterdam: History of the World's Most Liberal City"? It's a fairly new release, within the last year or so. It might be even more appropriate than the Anne Frank book, since Anne and her family originally came from Frankfurt.

  5. Amsterdam! I want to go as well. Have a nice trip :)

  6. Have a fantastic trip! I hope you get plenty of wonderful reading done in May, and I hope I stay out of a slump. Cheers!

  7. I've had this book in my sights for a while, I hope you get time to read it and look forward to your thoughts on it.


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