Thursday 1 May 2014

April in Books

Happy May!

April was a funny month - kinda quiet but I feel like a lot was squeezed into a short space of time. I've been to exhibitions, watched the London Marathon, been to an interactive theatre show, attended a World Book Night event at the Southbank Centre, spent a long weekend at home in Somerset, dealt with a smashed car window, picnicked indoors, and just generally enjoyed the sunny weather whilst it lasted. 

April Goals...

  • Start Lolita or Crime and Punishment
  • Read Books, Bedbugs and Baguettes - I started this but was distracted by WW1
  • Knock something off the TBR Pile Challenge list - um....nope, didn't do this
This month was brilliant for reading. I feel like I gush about more or less every book I read which either makes me a not very discerning reader or very good at choosing. But this month was full of books to gush about. The only book I didn't enjoy enormously was The Care and Management of Lies. I have no issues with the book itself, I just don't think it's quite my style. I guess that'll serve me right for jumping at every single World War One book out there.

April Reading...

21. The Bookman's Tale by Charlie Lovett

22. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
23. The Undertaking by Audrey Magee
24. Wounded by Emily Mayhew
25. Secret Warriors by Taylor Downing
26. The Care and Management of Lies by Jacqueline Winspear
27. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

I'd just like to point out that there are two non-fiction books in there *gives self a round of applause*. If you can believe it, Wounded by Emily Mayhew, one of my non-fiction reads is probably my book of the month. I don't think non-fiction has ever provoked such an emotional response for me as this one did. I'll be reviewing it for Centenary News but I think I'll post something here too because I want everyone interested in war (and the ordinary heroes in war) to read it.

I think I did pretty well with my life goals in April too. Whilst perhaps not exercising daily, I made good use of the gym and managed to get my running mojo back (I totally did a 10 mile run out of the blue). I have also been acting more like the 23 year old I am and seeing 10pm on most nights of the week. Big cheer.

I'm going to add a shameless Centenary News plug right here because I am stupidly excited about it. This month I was invited to read and review Secret Warriors by Taylor Downing and then interview the author (squeeeeeal). The book was released today so we put both the interview and review live on the site this afternoon and I am (ridiculously) excited by it all. If you're interested, you can have a read here.

My Favourites on the blog...

How was your month? Do you have a book of the month?



  1. I read 'Spies in the Sky' by Taylor Downing a while back and really enjoyed it. Envious that you met and interviewed the author!

  2. Congratulations on seeing 10pm again! I need to go the other way, I think. I've conquered my inner 60-year-old and started staying up a tad later without panicking - now I need to conquer my inner 15 year-old and see if I can maybe reacquaint myself with the pre-10AM hours as well. I suck at getting up at a reasonable time at the moment, and I don't like it. I like seeing the dawn, I miss it! Happy reading, running and reviewing for May, fellow Ellie... :D

  3. Look at the cuteness of the nose of the dog on the photo :) (I'm a bit obsessed with animal noses...)

    Looks like you had a great reading month (I managed only five books myself).


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