Sunday 16 November 2014

Things That Made Me Happy This Week #2

1// Family time both of my parents were in London on separate occasions this week for work so I managed to see my Dad for dinner and my Mum for wine. I feel so grateful to have such a supportive family.

2// Evenings runs As my hip is slowly strengthening I'm finding my love for running is returning. On Wednesday evening I did the best run I've had in ages - it's hard to argue with those endorphins.

3// Post-run showers A post-run shower in the summer is generally cold and lasts about five minutes, but a post-run shower in the winter is boiling hot and lasts about fifteen minutes. I love stepping out of the shower looking like a half-boiled lobster.

4// Benedict Cumberbatch Ever since the sad news of Benedict's impending nuptials hit the front pages I've been drowning my sorrows in his back catalogue. This week I've watched a couple of Sherlock episodes and Starter for 10. I've also been to see The Imitation Game (amazing, fascinating and really very emotive) and have my eye on Parade's End next.

5// Lazy Saturdays Rather than forcing my spark to return I've been spending a lot of time resting, moving slowly and doing only the things that I know will make me happy. This Saturday was a day for running, cleaning, reading and thinking. With various coffee accompaniments.

What made you happy this week?



  1. This is a lovely post Ellie. I also thought The Imitation Game was a super film, I had a bit of a cry at the end.

  2. Family time is nice! And a run sounds really lovely now... I called in "sick" to work today since I had a lousy weekend and really wanted a day to recoup, and I'm tempted to risk being seen and head to the gym anyways. Hmmm.

  3. I'd forgotten Ben was in Starter for Ten! SO much hilarity in that movie. Thanks for the warning about The Imitation Game though, I hate crying at the cinema so I'll save that one for a DVD weep at home next year. HOORAY FOR HOT SHOWERS - although I don't run first, I just lobsterise from a resting start. :D


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