Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring Reading

The topic for this week's Top Ten Tuesday has been exactly what I need to (hopefully) get back into this old blogging lark. I've been perusing my shelves at regular intervals recently, shuffling things around and generally trying to decide what my 'priorities' are (i.e. the books I'm dying to read RIGHT NOW). This is what I came up with:

1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 

I still need to get the Russian Challenge underway and I've been eyeing this one up for some time. Thankfully, I found a copy on my Mum's bookshelf when I was home and in my favourite version (Penguin Classics from around the 60s).

2. Excellent Women by Barbara Pym

Another acquisition from my Mother's shelves that came with a sparkling recommendation. Mum has even decided to re-read the entire works of Pym so no doubt there will be conversations and comparisons to be had.

3. Stoner by John Williams

This is a left over from my Winter Reads list but I couldn't let it go. I'm still so desperate to read it.

4. The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley

Ok, the majority of this list has come from my Mum's shelves rather than my own. This novel has the famous quote about the past being a foreign country so I am thoroughly intrigued.

5. The Book Thief by Marcus Zuzak

Another one that crops up on so many TBR lists. I so want to read it but other things keep getting in the way. Soon.

6. The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

I went mad when I saw this is The Strand bookshop in New York, bought it, then carted it (and many other books) through the New York streets in a massive rain shower. And yet, I still haven't read it. It's time.

7. Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs by Jeremy Mercer

I have Ellie to thank for this recommendation and Hayley from Dark Readers to thank for the book (Valentines Ninja Book Swap win).

8. The Daughters of Mars by Thomas Keneally

WW1 and women...need I actually say more?

9. Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell

As well as browsing my shelves, I also browsed the hidden shelves of my kindle (I'm ashamed to admit how much is on there). I remember reading such brilliant reviews of this one and I've enjoyed her novels before so, it's about time I got to this.

And for my final choice, I'm going with a novel released in May this year:

10. The Heroes' Welcome by Louisa Young

I adored My Dear I Wanted to Tell You and this is it's sequel. Again, it's WW1 so it's pretty self-explanatory.

Have you read any of these? What's on your Spring TBR?



  1. You have some great reads ahead of you this spring. I really enjoyed Excellent Women and thought The Book Thief was excellent.

    1. Good to know I've got some great reads coming!

  2. I read The End of Your Life Book Club last year but never got around to reviewing it. I have to admit that I didn't really get along with it. I was hoping for a book about books, but it ended up being a man's novel-length tribute to his angelic dying mother. I just hadn't realised that it wasn't a novel, I think, which was my own fault.

    1. Hmmm...I have definitely heard mixed reviews for this one. I was certaingly hoping it was more bookish than tribute-ish.

  3. I'm trying to get back into the swing of reading post-wedding, and making a list of spring priorities seems like just the thing! Now, to see what's calling to me from the shelves.

    1. It always gets me excited planning my reading, even if I don't always keep to it. Sounds like a perfect way to get back into it post-wedding!

  4. I really have got to read The Book Thief, too -- I've been meaning to forever!

    1. It really does seem to be one of those 'must' read books. Particularly now the film is out. Let me know how you find it if you get to it before me!

  5. I loved The Book Thief and have heard many good words about Barbara Pym. A good varied list, hope you enjoy them all!

  6. Oooh, oooh, oooh, ok. Firstly I need to do one of these (even though Tuesday has been and gone) and secondly I obvs have to talk about your choices! Firstly: I read The Go-Between at college and it was really really really good to study, although I'm not sure how amazing I'd find it if I was reading it alone? Secondly: Crime and Punishment is AMAZING as long as you don't mind being inside the brain of someone who's losing it a bit. Thirdly: I really really really hate The Book Thief but I'll let you make your own choices about it... Or save you the bother and DON'T READ IT, ELLIE, OMG. Fourthly: I also got Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs in a Ninja Book Swap and and now I'm kind of desperate to read it... Hmmmmm!


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